Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


How to suppress interbatch or "WRRS" logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


WRRS logs such as "wrrs-62bb5e8.log" are created when rules are run by the client, the creation of such depends on the severity of RRS (actions) log settings.

In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later, WRRS logs are created in \Datacap\RRS\Logs
In Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier, WRRS logs are created in \Datacap\RRS

The root RRS folder location is determined by the registry key HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\Locations (REG_SZ) RRS

Note: In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later, the Logs folder can be changed through (REG_SZ) logs.



Taskmaster Client

Open Taskmaster Client and go to Settings | Workflow. Highlight a task and click Setup. In File | Task Settings | Log, adjust the task's logging settings. The Severity slider must be set to the 7th tick or lower moving left to right. Save changes and repeat for all other applicable tasks.

Datacap Taskmaster Client Service
See steps for Taskmaster Client above.

In Rulerunner Quattro Manager connect to the Taskmaster Application Service in Datacap Login. Then go to Logging tab and RRS Log. Adjust the slider for "Level of detail written to the RRS" to the 4th tick or lower moving left to right. Repeat against all Rulerunner machines.

Taskmaster Web
Edit the BPP or ICP file associated with a rules based Taskmaster Web task module. Under section [RRC], set the ServiceLog setting to 3 or lower. Repeat for all applicable tasks.

Datacap Studio
DStudio logging settings are stored in the user registry under HKEY_USERS\[USER] or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Datacap\DStudio\Options Log. (REG_DWORD) 'RRS log output level' should be lowered to 3. Repeat for all applicable users and machines where DStudio is run.


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