Saturday, November 17, 2012

Error : FNP8_Upload failing when using IBM Datacap

When Exporting Documents to Filenet ,It is getting Fail

In the export.log file, the following errors were listed:

15:04:43.931 (313) t:1278 p:5E24A68 Upload failed.
15:04:43.931 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 ERROR!!! N-2146233088
Error description = Error executing the batch operation
15:04:43.932 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 Error (385875969=hex:17000001). In CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO: Aborting: Action [FNP8_Upload] requested abort [api source:]
15:04:43.932 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 EXCEPTION: code="385875969" msg="Aborting: Action [FNP8_Upload] requested abort" loc="CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO" API=""


Upon further investigation, it was found that one of the property fields was a choice list. The export log showed that the property list was being set to "", which was not a valid selection according to the choice list definition on the customer's IBM P8 Content Engine (CE).

It was necessary to remove the blank field from the Datacap choice list and correct the spelling of all items in the Datacap choice list. The Datacap choice list and the CE choice list must be identical, since the CE is case sensitive when comparing choice list fields.

Diagnosing & Solution

Review the export.log and find all of the document properties that are being set by the function FNP8_SetProperty. Determine which ones are choice lists and what the return value is from the operator input. Verify that the spelling is identical to the CE property definition. Be aware that the spelling is case sensitive.

After the Datacap choice list content's spelling was corrected to match the CE choice list, the export operated correctly.

DotEdit does not consistently display snippets when using a custom panel

One or more fields do not have snippets displayed even if data is populated and other clients such as Taskmaster Web show them for the same batch.


This is applicable in certain versions of DotEdit.exe where DotEdit loads panels for multiple forms. Certain fields may be shared across forms, thus resulting in this behavior.

Diagnosing & Resolving the problem

To ensure that your symptoms are applicable to this Technote, make zero changes after replicating the issue and then place the batch on hold. Re-run the batch one or more times and snippets should display every other batch or so. If snippets never display data, then it is likely a separate problem; auto-form all panels if possible to eliminate any customization as the root cause.

For performance reasons it is not desirable for DotEdit to unload and load panels dynamically. Thus to resolve this problem assign a unique Name for all dcimage (snippet) controls on custom panels being used. For example, pre-append the letter 'a' to all dcimage controls in form A, 'b' to those in form B, etc. Backup the DotEdit project files before making changes in case modifications need to be quickly reverted.

How to display validation errors for a Taskmaster Web start panel

While running validations in a start panel in Taskmaster Web, messages indicating invalid data - according to the application rules - may not be displayed. Additionally, an invalid field's background color may remain unchanged. This is a result of the field statuses not being updated.


Call Status_Preserve_OFF from the rrunner library against the batch level node so that all start panel fields have their statuses updated upon failure of any respective field level rule. Field level MESSAGE variables will be used to indicate to the operator why any input data was incorrect, and such fields will be distinguished by a red background color. The action PilotMessage_Set from the rrunner library can be leveraged to compose custom validations failure messages.

Task setup error - Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: SetProfileString in Datacap

When trying to save task settings in Taskmaster Client, the following error is displayed:

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'SetProfileString'

When trying to run the task, receive the error:
Type mismatch: 'Pilot.MsgLog'

Reason & Solution

This happens when the task module is configured to Batch Pilot DLL

To overcome this Change the task module's program name to Batch Pilot (BPilot.exe) and then re-test.

Rulesets library collection.xml isn't loaded error reported in Taskmaster Web

Taskmaster Web reports an error when running rules or validations, the error states "rulesets library (collection.xml) isn't loaded" similar to the following screenshot:


Cause of this error is when the [dco] table of the admin database has a dco_id value that is not identical to the corresponding workflow name.


  • Open the admin database and then the [dco] table. The value listed inside the dco_id column should be identical to the first part of the dco_setup, and also identical to the workflow name listed inside Taskmaster Application Manager. This name should also be specified inside the \Datacap\\dco_\rules\collection.xml files.

For example, Flex contains the following default values:dco_id = Flex
dco_setup = Flex@C:\Datacap\Flex\dco_Flex\Flex.xml
Taskmaster Application Manager:

collection.xml = <rsapp name="Flex">

  • Make all values uniform across your configuration. Once finished, restart the Datacap Taskmaster Server Service to ensure that changes take effect and are not cached by Taskmaster Server. If all values specified are valid, then double-check file permissions for the application pool identity running Taskmaster Web, ensure that the error received is identical to that listed in the Symptom section of this Technote, and then engage IBM Support for further assistance as necessary.

Cannot get data from Application Service with Datacap

When attempting to run a task using Rulerunner, the task aborts. The quattro0.log shows:

Error: RunGrabbedQNRelease: Error preparing task. Cannot get data from Application Service. Key:[tasks/VScan:profile], attempt #[0]. Error from DCApp:[]


Rulerunner references configuration settings in the Quattro tab in Taskmaster Application Manager. If they are incorrect, this error will occur.


To correct the configuration:

  1. Run Taskmaster Application Manager.

  2. Select the application on the left and click on the Quattro tab.

  3. Locate the profile for the task that is failing.

  4. Change the spelling of the Task and Task profile name to exactly match the name of the Task as shown in Datacap Studio. This name is case-sensitive. If there is no entry for the Task, then add it.

  5. Exit Taskmaster Application Manager and restart Rulerunner.

Reasons to Batch going into offline status

When a batch is inaccessible, it immediately is placed into offline status by a client. Ensure that:

1. The batch directory exists at the listed folder path

-- Click or double-click on batch ID in Job Monitor for this value

2. The Windows user has sufficient privileges to the batch directory

3. There are no network issues from the client PC to the server

Once these have been confirmed, simply rollback the batch to "pending" or "hold" status and reprocess.

Note: Network logs should be audited around the times batches are run and placed into "offline" status if the issue becomes problematic.

Error starting client service in Taskmaster Client Service Manager - Cannot start service DCTMSub on computer


This error message is commonly displayed if the account running the Datacap Taskmaster Client Service on the Rulerunner has insufficient permissions to the local machine, or if the service is disabled.


Open the Services control panel from Administrative Tools:

1. If the service's start up mode is disabled, then change it to be automatic or manual.

2. Set the service account to a local administrator account that has sufficient permissions to network resources such as the batches directory and application rules files.

Note: Test after making required changes. If the problem persists, consider performing a repair or reinstall of the Taskmaster software using a local admin account.

Running a custom .NET Taskmaster action results in batch aborting with RRS log message "couldn't load needed object"


Batch logging will state something similar to the following:

Error (385875972=hex:17000004). In CCom::Call: Couldn't load needed object: Datacap.Libraries.vScanSample.Actions into Datacap.Libraries. vScanSample.Actions instance [api source:]


This issue can occur if the .NET action components are not installed properly.


When using the vScanSample .NET template actions available from the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 Publication Library, compiling the project will generate new files including interop DLL's, vScanSample.dll, vScanSample.tlb and vScanSample.pdb. Place vScanSample.dll into \Datacap\dcshared\NET and register it using regasm.exe and the /codebase flag:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe C:\Datacap\dcshared\NET\vScanSample.dll /codebase

Re-run the actions when finished to confirm the solution.Note: If the problem persists with a more customized project then unregister the main DLL and place it into a sub-folder along with all other compiled components (interops, main DLL and TLB file). Re-register vScanSample.dll using regasm.exe and the /codebase flag before reprocessing; the set of files specific to your project can be isolated afterward.

How to set Hotkeys in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Batch Pilot Verify

Steps to create custom a custom hot key:

1. Open verify DCF form in Batch Pilot.
2. Go to Form > Hotkeys.
3. Make sure the Form button is pressed.
4. Place cursor in 'Selected key combination'.
5. Press the hotkeys wanted for use.
6. Add Title of hotkey.
7. Click the Add button.
8. Note the Hot Key index number.
9. Add the Hot Key index value as a new Select case in the Pilot_OnHotKey event with the desired code. For example if the HotKey index is 10 the Select Case needs to be Case 10.
10. Save form.

Is the "LOOKUP" variable, that is added to a line item field, supported to work in the thin client verify panel prelayout.aspx

No, unfortunately prelayout.aspx does not have the capability for line item fields to be filled in with values based on a Lookup. Neither does aptlayout.aspx. Pages that can perform this capability are averify.aspx, and aindex.aspx.

How can you programmatically send keystrokes in Batch Pilot

To send keystrokes via Batch Pilot scripting, you can invoke the WScript.Shell object's SendKeys method. The following is an example for sending Ctrl + N:
    Dim shell

    Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


Set shell = Nothing

Note: Some hot keys may be alternatively accomplished. For example, calling Pilot.BatchContinue is equivalent to clicking the Navigate to Next Problem button

Taskmaster Application Manager crashes when updating one or more fields in Datacap

Taskmaster Application Manager crashes when updating one or more fields with the message box stating "Debug Error! [...]" is displayed.


Fields in Taskmaster Application Manager are disabled. Editing fields causes the following "Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library" message box:

"Debug Error! \ Program: C:\Datacap\tmclient\DCOrchard.exe \ abnormal program termination \ (Press Retry to debug the application)

Pointing to a Datacap.xml in another environment may work.


The application file, <app_name>.app, is locked


First confirm that this Technote applies to your situation. See other Technotes for other scenarios where similar but not exactly identical behavior may apply. Some of those resolutions include:

- Installing Datacap Studio on the machine running Taskmaster Application Manager

- Installing IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.x on UAC-enabled PC's using Run as Administrator

- Installing Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.1


Second, confirm that your problem is not resolved when right-clicking and running the Taskmaster Application Manager shortcut or executable using the Run As Administrator command.


Third, confirm that all following paths point to the correct locations:

1. Path to datacap.xml file as indicated in Service tab of Taskmaster Application Manager:

- x64: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Datacap\Application\Location\'TopPath'

- x86: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\Application\Location\'TopPath'

2. Path to the general Datacap application folder inside the datacap.xml file

- This is inside the "ref" tag, which generally defaults to a local path or folder

Fourth, ensure that the Windows user has full sharing and security permissions to the application file. Try creating a file or folder where the application file is located.

Lastly, see if using the Taskmaster Application Manager when pointed to another environment works and/or if there are locks against the application file in question using a program such as Microsoft's Process Explorer.

Note: In case the application file is locked, try rebooting the server on which the application file is hosted. If this is the Taskmaster Server, this will affect all clients, including Rulerunners, Taskmaster Client and Taskmaster Web. Alternatively, try using a program such as Process Explorer to detect and kill any unnecessary file locks. The latter must be done carefully and is not generally recommended.

Is Net Framework 4.0 compatabil with Datacap on Microsoft Server 2008 R2 64 bit

No, IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture was built to run on Microsoft .Net 3.5.1 framework. It has not been fully tested to be run with .Net 4.0.

Batch Pilot hangs after a period of inactivity in DataCap 8.0.1

IBM DataCap 8.0.1 Batch Pilot hangs when a user tries to open Batch Pilot after an hour of inactivity. This is reproducible using the Window 7 (64 bit) OS with the workstation attached to scanner.


The Taskmaster components are native 32-bit, requiring that the PixTools/ISIS version used is 32-bit as well. If the ISIS driver installed is 64-bit , a hang situation will occur in Batch Pilot.


Window 7 64-bit, DataCap 8.0.1 and ISIS Driver 64-bit.


Install the 32-bit ISIS driver.

Manual/Automatic(NENU) Roll back to reset batches left in running or aborted status

Certain errors can prevent a task from completing successfully. The batch or batches affected may be left in running or aborted status. By design such batches require intervention before they can advance in the workflow. A privileged operator can manually reset them, or NENU can be configured to automatically reset them on a schedule.
This document explains general roll back scenarios and procedures but it is not a substitute for procedures and instructions which

In the course of processing a batch of documents, Taskmaster may encounter internal or external errors. If the software is unable to continue, or fails to update the batch status in the Engine database for any reason, the affected batch will remain in running status. If the error is not recoverable or if data integrity could be compromised by continued operation, the batch will be set to aborted status. In either case, the batch will not advance until a human operator or an automated process resets or "rolls back" the batch.

Basic manual roll back procedure

The simplest way to roll back a batch is to set its status to Pending. An operator holding Job Monitor and Status change/rollback privileges can perform this in the Job Monitor. In Taskmaster Web click on the Batch ID (in the Batch column). In the resulting dialog, change the Status to pending. In most cases this is sufficient and the batch will be picked up and processed by the task that previously failed. If the error condition has been resolved the batch will advance in the workflow, if not it may be left running or aborted again.

How to tell if a batch in running status is taking a long time, or is actually stuck

Before resetting a batch from running to pending status, check that the batch is actually stuck as opposed to simply taking a long time to complete the task. The simplest way to approach this is to estimate the longest time any batch takes to complete this task (you can factor in the size of the batch), and add 50%. If the task is taking longer than that it is probably stuck. To increase your confidence you could 1) check system logs, 2) for an interactive task you could check the operator or workstation for recent activity, or 3) for a background process you could check logs and system activity on the workstation that was last processing the batch.

Advanced roll back scenarios and procedures

If the task which failed cannot be safely run twice in a row, some additional steps are required.

Before rolling back batches in a production environment you should confirm that the task involved is safe for rollback, and/or follow roll back instructions for your specific application.

For example if a batch creation task (Vscan, email input, fax input, etc.) fails after some images have already been ingested, a person or a process must ensure that those images are not lost. It may be necessary to re-insert those images into the input stream before rolling the batch back.

Tasks that perform file format conversion, image processing, or other one-way operations can typically be rolled back, but in some cases the Page file must be reset to its previous value. If image processing includes operations such as erosion, dilation, or unconditional rotation, the original image files must be restored.

Export tasks or tasks that modify external data are only safe for rollback if they explicitly keep track of each external transaction, and prevent re-execution of those transactions when the task runs more than once on the same batch. All of the IBM repository connectors include this feature and thus are safe for rollback.

In some cases it may not be safe or practical to roll a batch back in the current task, but it is safe to roll it back to its initial state after batch creation, or to some intermediate state. In this situation, the files in the batch should be restored to the desired state, the Task ID reset to the desired task for processing, and the Status set to Pending.

Automated roll back with NENU

In any of the above scenarios, the roll back procedures that can be performed manually can also be automated. The NENU utility and the is designed for this purpose. NENU can be configured to run on a schedule, or NENU rules can be run continuously via a NENU task configured in Rulerunner Server. NENU actions suitable for roll back rulesets include QuerySetStatus, QuerySetTaskID, QuerySetAge, ProcessChangeBatchStatus and ProcessRunQuery, For advanced roll back scenarios, FileIO actions may also be useful. Documentation for NENU can be found in the Taskmaster InfoCenter. NENU actions are documented in Datacap Studio action help.

Datacap Taskmaster 8.1 Client Support for Microsoft Windows® XP SP3

The client components of Datacap Taskmaster 8.1 are supported under Microsoft Windows® XP SP3. This note describes Taskmaster client installation, configuration and usage specific to Microsoft Windows® XP.


IBM only certifies the Microsoft Windows® XP SP3 platforms for the Datacap Taskmaster 8.1 client component.

IBM does not support the Microsoft Windows® XP SP3 platform to run the Datacap Server component.

Datacap Taskmaster Datacap 8.1 thick client installation
The standard method of double-clicking the Setup icon produces an error message, stating that the operating system is not supported.

To install Taskmaster Client v8.1 on Windows XP® SP3, you must run the installer from a DOS command prompt, as follows:

  1. Choose Start ->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

  2. At the command prompt, type the command to run the Taskmaster installer. For example if the installer is on a DVD or flash drive mounted on F: type
    F:\setup.exe /V"OS_OVERRIDE=1"
    including the quotation marks.

  3. You can install the full Taskmaster 8.1 product or select the client component. However, only the clients are supported on Windows XP.

Accessing Taskmaster Web
To access Taskmaster Web from a Windows XP client, use Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 8 or above. Browser security settings need to be configured according to the documentation, either manually or by using the Web Client Configuration tool. Use the Taskmaster Web Test tab on each web client to confirm correct configuration. Taskmaster Client installation is not required to use Taskmaster Web.

Log files and configuration information
Log files and stored configurations for thick clients including Datacap Studio, DotEdit, DotScan, and DCOrchard are generated in C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\IBM, where is the Windows user that ran the component.

How to update fingerprint statistics such as the hit count and last hit date in Datacap

Fingerprint statistics can be very useful when auditing a system and determining which fingerprints are most frequently used. Metrics such as the number of times a fingerprint has been used in its lifetime and the last date it was used can be used to remove unnecessary fingerprints from the system during maintenance periods. This cleanup may improve performance when loading fingerprints and decrease the size of the setup hierarchy (unless FPXMLs are enabled) due to removal of fingerprint zones.


Updating fingerprint statistics can be performed through application rules via the UpdateFingerprintStats action of the autodoc library. This action may be named UpdateFPStats in certain versions of the software. It updates the [Template] table of the fingerprint database by incrementing the tp_HitCount column's integer value and also updating the tp_LastHit column's date for the associated fingerprint ID.

Execution of UpdateFingerprintStats requires an open connection to the fingerprint database using OpenConnection action from the Lookup library, prior to calling UpdateFingerprintStats. It is recommended that any database connection be later closed, using CloseConnection or equivalent logic.

How to use an ODBC data source in the Lookup variable in Datacap

The Lookup variable allows certain clients such as askmaster Web to provide to operators a link for querying a database and presenting returned data for population. An OLEDB example can be found within foundation applications and general documentation such as Application Development using IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture.


Use dsn="DSN=..." notation, particularly when supplying the user name and password in cases where credentials are not stored within the ODBC data source.

Here is an example using a SQL fingerprint database:
TestFP;User ID=uid;Password=pwd">SELECT tp_TemplateID FROM Template

Note: In this example the Vendor field will be updated with whatever value is stored in the template ID (tp_templateID) column of the record that the operator selects. The user name "uid" and password "pwd" are used to login to the SQL database corresponding with the DSN "TestFP"; please note that TestFP is not necessarily the exact database name.

SuperVars and application rules do not execute simultaneously in ProtoID.aspx in Datacap

When configuring a web FlexID (ProtoID) task to use SuperVars and also to run a task profile, only the custom rules are used and executed.


ProtoID.aspx is working as designed, which is to run SuperVars or a specific task profile. To resolve the problem, modify your application rules to use either a task profile or super variables.

No fingerprint/RulesDB connection Established error in Datacap


This error indicates that the software failed to connect to the Fingerprint/Rules Database. Typical causes are that the server which the Fingerprint/Rules Database resides on is disconnected from the network, the user attempting to access the database does not have sufficient permissions, or the database has been corrupted.


If using an Access Database type for the Fingerprint/Rules Database, backup the database and then run a Compact and Repair on it to resolve the error.

When using Microsoft Access admin/engine databases in Datacap ,Applications are getting slow.

Clients such as Taskmaster Client and Taskmaster Web are slow in an environment containing one or more applications that have Microsoft Access admin and engine databases in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Latency may be apparent in client such as Taskmaster Client and Taskmaster Web when attempting to view the Job Monitor, Operations page, workflow, etc.


Only Taskmaster Server communicates to the admin and engine databases. In cases where either database is large, communication may be slow, which may lead to other certain incoming requests (e.g. Job Monitor page, running a new batch) to become backed up. When using multiple applications, one application's databases may impact other applications if they share the same Taskmaster Server.


Microsoft Access is not recommended in large scale environments, SQL Server or Oracle should be considered depending upon volume. However, even small volume systems using Microsoft Access may be affected over time if older batches and task statistics are not removed. Resolution steps A and B are recommended.

A) Decrease the size of the databases by removing or transferring any older unnecessary data. Deletion or transfer of database records is facilitated by NENU or AutoDelete, where NENU replaces AutoDelete in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.0 and later. What data can or cannot be deleted or transferred will depend upon corporate policy and requirements:

1. Admin database - the [audit] table can be cleared if login and logoff records are not required.

2. Engine database - batches and task statistics can be removed based on a date range adequate for applicable retention policies.
    i. Task statistics are contained in various tables such as [de2kst], [scan2kst], etc.

ii. Records for batches visible in the Job Monitor are stored in [queue], [qstats] and [tmbatch].

iii. The [debug] table will contain a record for each transaction that updates a batch status -- writing to debug is enabled on a

client basis and will quickly grow.
Note: if updating the engine database manually (e.g. external to NENU), it is generally recommended to keep the file system and database in sync in some manner.B) Compacting and repairing the Microsoft Access databases regularly during maintenance windows is recommended. It is feasible to automate compact and repair using some program or batch file. The databases should be compacted and repaired after using NENU or AutoDelete to clean up the databases.


Older,Same batch is displayed in a Taskmaster Web session in Datacap

When trying to run a shortcut or batch in Taskmaster Web, a previously worked batch is displayed to the operator


An operator clicks on an Operations shortcut link or attempts to run a batch manually through the Job Monitor, but the batch attempting to be selected is not displayed; instead a batch that was previously worked on by the user during his or her Taskmaster Web session is brought up.

Note: These symptoms occur even if Taskmaster Web (IIS) and Internet browser settings are configured to not cache pages, and even when bypassing the load balancer if one is applicable to the environment.


If an operator starts a batch but does not finish it correctly, then this behavior will occur. That is to say, the operator did not cancel the batch, place it on hold, or submit/finish it. In many cases the user may have navigated away from the batch using the Internet browser's navigation buttons rather than the Taskmaster Web content buttons.


This feature is by design for data integrity reasons. To avoid these symptoms or resolve them when they occur, the operator should use the appropriate Taskmaster Web buttons to release the original batch per normal processing. For example, in Verify the operator should index and Submit all pages or place the batch on hold. Once the batch has been processed and released per normal business procedures, the user will be able to move on to any other batch.




XML document must have a top level element error reported in Datacap


Message "Could not load application descriptionXML document must have a top level element" during rules execution or when running Setup on the task in Taskmaster Client:


The workflow name is case and space sensitive and if the name is not synchronized in the environment then this message may result.


Stop and close any open clients, including background services, before attempting resolution.

1. Open Taskmaster Application Manager and select your application

2. Place the cursor into the workflow name(s) and write down the name(s) exactly

3. Open your datacap.xml file using Notepad or any other text editor

- Exact path to datacap.xml is listed in the Service tab of Taskmaster Application Manager

4. Locate your application reference (there should only be one), ensure that the ref="path" is a valid relative or UNC path and write

down the 'app name' exactly as listed

5. Open the admin database's [dco] table and write down the values for the dco_id and dco_setup columns

Compare values retrieved from the admin database, datacap.xml file and the application file (Taskmaster Application Manager). The workflow name must be uniform across all entries, including case and space sensitivity. Update any values that require changes, save all modifications, and then open a new client to test and confirm resolution.

Note: It is recommended that to backup the database, datacap.xml file and application file (*.app inside the application folder) prior to any changes.

Unable to login to two applications simultaneously in Datacap

When attempting to login to a specific application, login fails unless another application is closed and stopped from all clients and services, including Rulerunner Quattro and Taskmaster Web.


Taskmaster Server tracks which applications which are connected to the server using the db_index column stored inside the admin and engine databases (the value is identical between the two databases). If creating a new application or deploying a configuration such that the db_index values are not unique across all applications, login issues may result.

Diagnosing the problem

Login succeeds using a static set of credentials if and only if one or more additional applications are not being used (either by an operator or a background service). If enabling verbose Taskmaster Server logging, a line similar to the following is reported in the Taskmaster Server log file:

Database index 156 is the same for 'C:\Datacap\Flex\FlexAdm.mdb' and 'C:\Datacap\APT\APTAdm.mdb'. Thread: 8dc


Update the db_index value inside the offending application(s)' admin and engine databases. The values are stored inside the [adminfo] and [enginfo] respectively. It is recommended that you use a random 3-digit number that will be unique for the application; once set, the db_index column value inside the [admin] and [engine] databases for that single application should be identical.

Note: If batches were previously scanned then it is required to update the engine database's [queue] table such that the qu_admDB column is updated to reflect the new db_index value. Otherwise such previously scanned batches will not be visible in the Job Monitor.



InstallingTaskmaster Web controls in Datacap Manually

Taskmaster Web installs various controls for certain functionality such as interfacing with scanners. These controls are normally downloaded and installed automatically when accessing the website with proper browser settings and user permissions. However, there may be rare cases due to corporate security / user environment where manual installation may be desirable or required.

Steps to install components used for physical scanning:
1. Login to the end user's machine with an account that has rights to install and register files
2. Make \Datacap\\Task\ from Taskmaster Web available on the end user's machine
3. Extract the contents of into a new folder
4. Copy all extracted files into %windir%\system32 and, if present (x64 OS), %windir%\SysWOW64
This is typically C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64
5. Right-click and run Command Prompt with the "Run As Administrator" option if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled
6. Execute the following command, adjust paths as necessary:
C:\Windows\system32\regsvr32.exe C:\Windows\system32\TWNPRO3.dll

Steps to install general Taskmaster Web files:
1. Login to the end user's machine with an account that has rights to install and register files
2. Make \Datacap\\Task\ from Taskmaster Web available on the end user's machine
3. Extract the contents of into a new folder
4. Copy all extracted files into %windir%\system32 and, if present (x64 OS), %windir%\SysWOW64
This is typically C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64
5. Right-click and run Command Prompt with the "Run As Administrator" option if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled
6. Execute the following commands, adjust paths as necessary:
regsvr32 C:\Windows\system32\DcEdit.ocx
regsvr32 C:\Windows\system32\dcimage.ocx
regsvr32 C:\Windows\system32\dcthumbs.ocx

Cross Check
Ensure that all other prerequisites mentioned in the installation and configuration guide such as the ability to run ActiveX components are met before confirming resolution.

Using LDAP or ADSI with RV2 in Datacap

In addition to any configuration within Taskmaster Server Manager, RV2 has its own requirement when using ADSI or LDAP authentication.

Taskmaster Server Manager offers multiple authentication systems for login. When using ADSI or LDAP authentication, password authentication is not performed and login is based on membership within certain AD/LDAP groups and their inclusion within the Taskmaster Administrator's Groups tab.


RV2 has an EnableLDAP setting specific for ADSI and LDAP authentication. If left to the default of false, then login to RV2 will require that the operator enter a non-blank password even though password authentication will not be performed. Any login attempt without a password specific will fail and the user ID will generally include the domain name, e.g. DOMAIN\username.

To set the EnableLDAP option:

  1. Make sure no operators are using RV2 to avoid them having his or her session abruptly terminated during this time. This can be enforced at server side by stopping IIS or the application pool servicing RV2.

  2. Login to the RV2 web server.

  3. Backup \Datacap\RV2\web.config using copy and paste.

  4. Edit web.config using Notepad.

  5. Locate the following line:
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="false"/>

  6. Change "false" to "true":
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="true"/>Save changes.


In Datacap Taskmaster web,After scanning Batch contains document structure

After scanning through Taskmaster Web, the corresponding scan page file contains a document node.


To avoid a document structure from being created at time of scanning:
1. Locate the ICP or BPP file corresponding to the Taskmaster Web task
2. Backup the file and open the original using a text editor like Notepad
3. Browse to the [General] section and add a CreateDoc=0 setting:
<other settings>
4. Save changes and scan a new batch
The newly created batch will not contain a document structure if steps are followed correctly.


How to enabling verbose Taskmaster Server logging in Datacap

By default the installed version of logging for Taskmaster Server is a lightweight version. This version is sufficient to log many errors, but does not offer full logging. For troubleshooting ADSI or LDAP authentication, or reviewing all low-level queries in depth given a particular problem, verbose Taskmaster Server logging may need to be enabled.

Enabling verbose logging requires a one-time step of replacing dclog.dll in the tmserver folder, which means that the server service must be stopped temporarily. Enabling, disabling or truncating the log can be done transparently.

Steps to Replacing DCLog.dll :

1. Stop and close all clients and background services
2. Backup \Datacap\tmserver\dclog.dll on Taskmaster Server
3. a) Stop the Datacap Taskmaster Server Service
b) Close the Taskmaster Server Manager
4. Replace \Datacap\tmserver\dclog.dll using a copy of \Datacap\dcshared\dclog.dll
Note: Do not move or rename the dcshared file
5. Start the Datacap Taskmaster Server Service

Steps to Enabling Taskmaster Server Logging:
1. Open Taskmaster Server Manager on Taskmaster Server
2. Go to Logging -> Datacap Log
3. Configure logging parameters:
a) Output to file = Enabled
b) Number of Messages = All or a sufficient level
c) File path and name = Normally a local disk with sufficient space
d) Reflash buffer = Normally disabled, enable if immediate log writes are required
e) Write to common buffer = Disabled
4. Click Save
5. Click Yes to immediately load settings

Steps to Disabling Taskmaster Server Logging:
1. Open Taskmaster Server Manager on Taskmaster Server
2. Go to Logging -> Datacap Log
3. Disable 'Output to file'
4. Click Save
5. Click Yes to immediately load settings
Steps to Truncating a Taskmaster Server Log:
1. Open Taskmaster Server Manager on Taskmaster Server
2. Go to Logging -> Datacap Log
3. Enable or disable and re-enable 'Overwrite existing log file'
4. Click Save
5. a) Click Yes to immediately load settings
b) Disable 'Overwrite existing log file' if desired, Save and click Yes

Note: Disk consumption should be closely monitored when logging is turned on, with full logging severity the log file can have a very rapid growth rate.


Datacap Taskmaster Application Manager is disabled

Datacap Taskmaster Application Manager is disabled

Taskmaster Application Manager can be opened but when selecting an application, all fields are disabled (greyed out) such that settings cannot be altered through the user interface.

Reason & Solution

This issue is typically caused by one of two items:

1. A restricted version of Taskmaster Application Manager is being used

2. The application file has been previously locked, e.g. by another user

To eliminate the first possibility, close Taskmaster Application Manager and run it only on a machine where Datacap Studio has been previously installed. Continue below if the issue is not resolved.

Close any known open instance of the Taskmaster Application Manager and re-test. Should the problem persist, browse to the application folder where the application file (*.app) resides and identify if there is a lock file (*.app.lock). Identify and close the instance of the Taskmaster Application Manager that created the lock file; if confident that the application is not locked elsewhere, backup all files within the folder, delete the lock file manually, and test again.

If all else fails, reboot the machine, test, and then contact IBM support if not successful.


Path1 cannot be NULL error received when calling the DeleteFingerprints Action


When calling the Datacap DeleteFingerprints function, the following error is in the rss log:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path1
at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
at Datacap.Libraries.FingerprintMaintenance.Actions.DeleteFingerprint(String ID)


The application aborts when trying to delete fingerprint files and fingerprints from the fingerprint database. The fingerprint is deleted from the database, but the fingerprint files are not deleted from the fingerprint folder.

Reason & Solution

The path to the fingerprint folder does not exist.

To resolve this add the following call to the application:

SetFingerprintDir("@APPPATH(fingerprint)") --to set the path to the folder that contains the fingerprint files.