Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Color images are not separating properly in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1

Color images are not separating properly in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1


Color images are not separating based on the predefined color fingerprint images in Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1.


Color images are not supported in Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1.

Resolving the problem

Use only black/white images for fingerprinting.

For best results use 300 DPI black/white, resolution quality.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What are the Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005 used for in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?

What are the Microsoft Primary Interoperability

Assemblies 2005 used for in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture?


What are the Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005 used for in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?


The Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005 are used by the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture software for some Purchase Order Line Recognition (POLR) functionality present within the APT application.

If the assemblies fail to install and POLR is not a requirement, the corresponding POLR action and button can be removed through Datacap Studio and Batch Pilot stand-alone in the APT application rules and Verify form respectively. Otherwise the assemblies can be installed separately on the machines that will be running POLR.

How to migrate fingerprints with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

How to migrate fingerprints with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to migrate fingerprints between applications.


Migrating fingerprints is not as simple as copying the directory and the database. All of the following must be considered:

  • Fingerprint database (including Template table)

  • Fingerprint directory

  • Fingerprint zones

  • Fingerprint database connection string


Fingerprint Database and Directory
For Taskmaster versions 7.6 and newer, first use the Fingerprint Maintenance Tool to export from the source application and then import into the destination application. Specific instructions for using this tool are located in the Datacap Taskmaster Application Development Guide.

For Taskmaster versions 7.5 and older, the database and directory will need to be manually copied.

Zone Information

For versions prior to 7.6, or upgraded applications where the zone information was not stored in the FPXML file, the zone information is contained in the setup hierarchy, located in the (application).xml file. Manually edit the file and copy and paste the zone information across to the new setup hierarchy. Zone information will look something like:

      <V n="Pos8">1729,189,1908,236</V>

                 <V n="Pos9">1463,291,1647,320</V>

                 <V n="Pos11">1994,258,2117,293</V>

                <V n="Pos27">1150,243,1271,273</V>

                <V n="Pos1002">1519,805,1619,838</V>

                <V n="Pos1004">2191,458,2285,487</V>

                <V n="Pos1005">2068,499,2220,535</V>

                <V n="Pos1003">2259,475,2404,509</V>

               <V n="Pos1010">2039,212,2158,249</V>

<V n="Pos1016">2184,453,2339,485</V>

Fingerprint Database Connection String

The database connection string may need to be manually changed after migrating the fingerprint database.

Datacap Taskmaster 8.0 and newer

  1. Run Taskmaster Application Manager.

  2. Highlight the application.

  3. Update the Fingerprint database field located under the workflow.

Datacap Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier

  1. Run Datacap Studio and login to the application.

  2. On the Zones tab, click on the gear-shaped icon beneath the Fingerprints subtab.

  3. Enter the Fingerprint database connection information and click on Connect.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Using Oracle or SQL with Taskmaster Flex Manager in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Using Oracle or SQL with Taskmaster Flex Manager

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Is using an Oracle or SQL Taskmaster Flex Manager (FlexConfigurator) database supported in Taskmaster?

Resolving the Problem

No. Using an Oracle or SQL configuration database with Taskmaster Flex Manager is currently unsupported.

By default, Taskmaster Flex Manager, or \Datacap\Flex\dco_Flex\FlexConfigurator.exe, uses a Microsoft Access database to store certain Flex configuration data. In IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.0 and later, this defaults to \Flex\FLEXCFG.MDB, which is referenced in \Flex\dco_Flex\Settings.ini:


ConfigurationDB="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Datacap\Flex\FlexCfg.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"



How to use ADSI or LDAP authentication with RV2 in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

How to use ADSI or LDAP authentication with RV2

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to use ADSI or LDAP authentication with RV2.


Taskmaster Server Manager offers multiple authentication systems for login. When using ADSI or LDAP authentication, password authentication is not performed and login is based on membership within certain AD/LDAP groups and their inclusion within the Taskmaster Administrator's Groups tab.

In addition to any configuration within Taskmaster Server Manager, RV2 has its own requirement when using ADSI or LDAP authentication.


Resolving the Problem

RV2 has an EnableLDAP setting specific for ADSI and LDAP authentication. If left to the default of false, then login to RV2 will require that the operator enter a non-blank password even though password authentication will not be performed. Any login attempt without a password specific will fail.

To set the EnableLDAP option:

  1. Make sure no operators are using RV2 to avoid them having his or her session abruptly terminated during this time. This can be enforced at server side by stopping IIS or the application pool servicing RV2.

  2. Login to the RV2 web server.

  3. Backup \Datacap\RV2\web.config using copy and paste.

  4. Edit web.config using Notepad.

  5. Locate the following line:
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="false"/>

  6. Change "false" to "true":
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="true"/>Save changes.

For more information about ADSI and LDAP authentication see the following document:
Using Windows Active Directory, LDAP, or LLLDAP Authentication with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rules aborting on set state xml with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Rules aborting on set state xml with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When running Taskmaster Web, it aborts with the error:

rules aborting on set state xml - RRS Error:
Couldn't initiate log file: The system cannot find the path specified.


Here is an example for Verify:


This can be seen in a distributed environment if Taskmaster Web is not configured to point to the correct RRS folder or there is a permissions issue.

Resolving the problem

If Taskmaster was not installed to C:\Datacap, change the path to the RRS folder:

  1. In Datacap Studio close the connection wizard and click Settings... in the top-right corner. Change the global rulesets and actions location accordingly.

  2. If Datacap Studio is not available, modify the registry manually.

  • x64: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Datacap\RRS\locations !RRS

  • x86: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\locations !RRS

If the problem persists, ensure that the IIS application pool account identity for Taskmaster Web has appropriate permissions to the RRS folder. If RRS logging is enabled for Taskmaster Web, try suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs for Taskmaster Web as documented in this Technote:

Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Error retrieving RRX library description with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Error retrieving RRX library description with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


When attempting to access an application using Datacap Studio, the following error occurs:

"Error retrieving RRX library description."
"Couldn't access action library in C:\Datacap\RRS\RRX\. The system cannot find the path specified."


Path in registry did not get updated when Taskmaster was upgraded from 7.6 to 8.0.1.

Resolving the problem

In the registry, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\locations and remove RRX\ from the include key.


Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When exporting to IBM FileNet Content Engine, documents fail to be committed and the batch aborts on the FNP8SetURL action with the error:

Error with P8_Uploaded Xml file found. Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object. ERROR!!! N-2147024894


IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.01 Fix Pack 3 using MTOM connector

Resolving the problem

Replace the DC_P8_Server.dll file.

  1. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 folder.

  2. Unregister the dll with the command:

    • regasm C:\datacap\dcshared\NET\DC_P8_Server.dll /u

  3. Copy DC_P8_Server.dll from C:\datacap\dcshared to C:\datacap\BPilot.

  4. Reregister the dll with the command:

    • regasm C:\datacap\BPilot\DC_P8_Server.dll

  5. Reboot the server


Error 17000001 on action FNP8_SetURL in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Error 17000001 on action FNP8_SetURL in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


Unable to connect to Content Engine 5.1 Server from Taskmaster.

Encountering the following error from the Export_rrs.log

"Error (385875969=hex:17000001). In CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO: Aborting: Action [FNP8_SetURL] requested abort [api source:]"


Document Title not defined.

Resolving the problem

Add the action FNP8_SetDocTitle action prior to FNP8_SetURL in the Export ruleset.


Upload to SharePoint Server fails when the content library name contains spaces in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Upload to SharePoint Server fails when the content library

name contains spaces in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Upload to SharePoint Server fails when the content library name contains spaces in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


The batch logs may contain errors, or when using the SharePoint Test Utility then a message box may display the following:

Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown


Upload to other content libraries within the same SharePoint site may succeed despite identical SharePoint permissions, credentials and file type used for testing.

Resolving the problem

Note: If the library which you are uploading documents does not contain spaces or special characters, then this document is not applicable to your issue.


Update the library name to exclude spaces:

1. Browse to the library using an administrative account

2. Go to Library Settings

3. Select "Title, description and navigation" under General

4. Update the Name field to remove or replace spaces

5. Save and test


Try limiting the name to use only alphanumeric characters and underscores from the English alphabet if the problem persists in order to help isolate it. For example:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz 1234567890_


Batch aborts with message Error! Setting State.XML / Couldn't initiate log file: Access is denied. in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Batch aborts with message Error!

Setting State.XML / Couldn't initiate log file: Access is

denied. in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Batch aborts with message "Error! Setting State.XML / Couldn't initiate log file: Access is denied." in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When running Taskmaster Client or Taskmaster Client Service, the task log contains the following or similar error message:

Error! Setting State.XML

Couldn't initiate log file: Access is denied.


This is caused by IBM DatacapTaskmaster Capture attempting to create the interbatch or "WRRS" log. Either the destination folder was momentarily unavailable, or the account running the rules does not have proper permissions to it.

Resolving the problem

Check network security permissions for the account running rules or disable interbatch or "WRRS" logging as noted in the IBM Document::

Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


  • In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later the location for WRRS logs defaults to the local \Datacap\RRS\Logs folder, but this path can be adjusted through the system registry.
      See registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\Locations (REG_SZ) RRS for the root RRS folder location; the folder in which WRRS logs are created will be specified by the secondary registry key (REG_SZ) Logs, which defaults to be relative to the RRS folder.

  • In Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier the location for WRRS logs usually points to the \Datacap\RRS folder on the Taskmaster Server in a distributed environment.
      See registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\Locations (REG_SZ) RRS for the WRRS folder location. This path cannot be adjusted without also altering the location of application rules to be loaded by the client machine; in distributed environments it is not practical to maintain multiple copies of application rules.

Note: Reprocessing the batch may succeed if the abort is caused by intermittent network connectivity problems.


IBM Content Manager actions uploading to wrong server in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

IBM Content Manager actions uploading to wrong server

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


IBM Content Manager actions uploading to wrong server in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When working with multiple IBM Content Manager servers, you may notice that when switching servers, the actions may still be uploading to the old Content Manager server.


The IBM Content Manager Datacap connector (IBMCM.rrx) relies on the Windows CM OLE client interface, which means that the actions follow the same behavior as the Content Manager Windows Client application.

Resolving the problem

After changing to a different database server using the DB2 Control Center:

1. Edit cmbicmsrvs.ini to point to the correct server

2. Restart the Taskmaster client


If the problem persists, perform a complete reboot of the machine.




Quattro error - Cannot get data from Application Service in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Quattro error - Cannot get data from Application Service

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Quattro error - Cannot get data from Application Service in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Quattro thread log reports an error similar to the one below.

Error: RunGrabbedQNRelease: Error preparing task.
Cannot get data from Application Service. Key:[tasks/VScan:profile], error from DCApp:[]


This error is indicative of Quattro failing to obtain certain settings from the application (APP) file for the application attempting to be run. The APP file, e.g. \Datacap\Survey\Survey.app, must be configured for each background task run by Quattro.

Resolving the problem


1. Open Taskmaster Application Manager on Taskmaster Server or applications host

2. Go to Quattro tab and insert the missing task name and its associated task profile

3. If the Quattro values already exist, correct all case and space sensitivity issues


Couldn't access action library error in Datacap Studio in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Couldn't access action library error in Datacap Studio

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Couldn't access action library error in Datacap Studio in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


This error is caused by the software being unable to load the standard action libraries, which default to C:\Datacap\RRS. If using a separate installation directory path, the global rulesets and actions location must be updated.

Resolving the problem

The path to the global rulesets and actions location can be updated through Datacap Studio:

1. Start Datacap Studio

2. Cancel any application, workflow or Taskmaster Login selection if prompted

3. Click Settings in the top-right corner

4. Update RRS folder path under "Rulerunner general settings"


Alternatively, you may update the system registry manually if Datacap Studio is not installed.

Windows x64:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Datacap\RRS\locations\'rrs'

Windows x86:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\locations\'rrs'

If the problem persists even though the path is valid, ensure that there is no permissions issue. If using a Virtual Machine (VM) , search from the top of the registry for "C:\Datacap\RRS" and update any and all instances.


Adding a Report Viewer filter takes excessive amounts of time in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Adding a Report Viewer filter takes excessive amounts of time

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Adding a Report Viewer filter takes excessive amounts of time in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


In applications with large engine databases, creating filters using Report Viewer may take an excessive amount of time as Report Viewer goes through a number of records in order to display filter options within certain drop-down lists. While this pre-population of filter options is occurring, the client may appear to be frozen.

Resolving the problem

Report Viewer is not included in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.0 and later. This document is specifically for Report Viewer included in Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier, and does not apply to RV2.

Deletion or archiving any unnecessary stored batches may be sufficient to significantly lower the wait time depending upon the number of batches removed or archived. Otherwise, manually adding Report Viewer filters may be done to work around this issue as stated below. It is recommended that the original rptview database be backed up prior to any modifications in case changes need to be reverted, and it is also recommended that this work arounf be first tested in a development environment.


Manually adding filters to Report Viewer:

1. Open rptview.mdb, usually inside the application's process folder, with Microsoft Access

2. Insert a new record into the Filters table, use the following values:

FilterIDAutomatically generated value
Report IDReport to add filter, use value stored in Reports table's ID column for desired report
FilterFilter name
SQLShort SQL statement to be used by the filter

3. Save changes and test 

Note: For SQL column, reference preexisting filters for a template. If none of the templates apply, review the Report Viewer documentation and the database's Aliases table for some available filter options.


Taskmaster Web login error: input string was not in a correct format in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Taskmaster Web login error: input string was not in

a correct format in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Taskmaster Web login error: input string was not in a correct format in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When trying to login to an application using Taskmaster Web, receive an error stating that the "input string was not in a correct format". This does not apply to all applications or does not apply when using a standard, out-of-the-box, unmodified demo application.


This problem can be caused by corruption to the application file, e.g. \Datacap\APT\APT.app, which normally should not be manually edited. Changes to any APP file should only be made using the Taskmaster Application Manager unless instructed otherwise.

Resolving the problem

If you are receiving this error, first eliminate permissions and custom application configuration as contributing causes. If the issue persists, then the resolution noted below may apply to you.

To resolve this problem, compare the problematic application's APP file versus a working one. If you see the following line:

<k name="tms" ip="" port="2402"/>

...then correct it by inserting the retry setting manually using Notepad:

<k name="tms" ip="" port="2402" retry="3"/>


Backup the APP file prior to any changes and then test thoroughly. If you still have issues, continue comparing the application files for differences. Also review entries for the two applications within datacap.xml. Note that certain settings are encrypted and should not be altered within the APP file. Contact IBM Support if you are unable to determine the root cause and need further assistance


Setting Up Taskmaster Web Client Service for the Automation of Uploading Batches in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Setting Up Taskmaster Web Client Service for the

Automation of Uploading Batches in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How can I setup the Taskmaster Web Client Service to automate the upload of web scan batches?


1. Install the Taskmaster Web Service by running Setup.exe found in the \Datacap\support\WebClientService folder.

2. Double click on \Datacap\tmclient\dc2Run.exe.config. This will allow you to configure the parameters used by this service.

3. The dc2Run.exe.config file has a section for a ShortcutIndex. You can determine what index value corresponds to what shortcut by looking it up in the Buttons Table of the Administrator Database. Update this index to run the upload shortcut..

4. In the dc2Run_localhost_utility section of the dc2Run.exe.config file change the server from “localhost” to your server name or IP address.

5. Update the application name in the Application Settings section of the file to specify your application name.

6. Update the user name in the user section to the user you want to log in and run the upload task.

7. Upload the station name in the station section from “remote” to the station you want the service to log in with.

8. Add the following xml text into the tabs.xml file which is located in the \Datacap\tmclient folder:

<section name="dc2run">
<key.named.list name="Users" kxp="dc2run/?" itemname="User" valuemask="{0}">
<pwd name="password" kxp=":pwd" tip="Set passwords for upload service user"/>

6. Launch DCOrchard.exe whose executable is located in the \Datacap\tmclient folder:
There will be a new tab called dc2run. Under this tab add your user and password which will be used to log into the service with. The user name and password are stored in the applications .app file with the password encrypted.

Note: The user name needs to match the user name that was configured in the dc2Run.exe.config file.

8. To test the uploading of batch first log into Taskmaster Web, scan can at least one batch, and then start the Web Client Service from the Window Services Control Manager. The station that you use to create batches that will be uploaded by the Web Client Service have to be created logged in as the same station that is configured in the dc2Run.exe.config file.

9. After you start the Web Client Service, confirm that the batches have been uploaded.



Batch aborts running CallPOLR with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Batch aborts running CallPOLR with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Running Batch Profiler in the APT application using Rulerunner Quattro, or any other application that uses POLR, aborts when attempting to run the CallPOLR action.


The rrs log shows:

17:08:31.732 (0) t:B18 p:A929730 Error (0=hex:0). In CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY): Action execution failed: Script Error:
Error: (null)
Description: (null)
Error code: 0x80131509 - (null)Source: (null)
Line: 165, Char: 3 [api source:]
17:08:31.732 (0) t:B18 p:A929730 EXCEPTION: code="0" msg="Action execution failed: Script Error:
Error: (null)
Description: (null)
Error code: 0x80131509 - (null)Source: (null)
Line: 165, Char: 3" loc="CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY)" API=""


Taskmaster Client not installed on the Rulerunner Quattro server. POLR has a dependency on Taskmaster Client, even if run by Quattro.

Resolving the problem

Install Taskmaster Client on the Rulerunner Quattro server.

Disabling interbatch prompts in Taskmaster Web in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Disabling interbatch prompts in Taskmaster Web in

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to disable prompts between processing batches in Taskmaster Web?


The following two messages are visible by default while running an operation shortcut:

1. Batch [batch ID] finished with status '[status]' (Hold and OK buttons)

2. Batch [batch ID] finished with status '[status]' / Stop or continue processing (Stop and Continue buttons)

The first prompt allows operators to place the batch on hold after task completion. The second prompt allows operators to either continue processing the current shortcut or to click Stop in order to return to the Operations page.


Hold / OK Prompt

The Hold / OK prompt can be disabled by setting Hold=0 in \Datacap\tmweb.net\apps.ini on the web server for all applicable applications. As a consequence of this change, operators will not be able to place batches on hold after batch completion.

Note: In certain pages such as a verify, operators will still have a Hold button inside the task itself, which can be used to place batches on hold while working on the task:

This is a different Hold button than the one associated with the Hold / OK prompt, and may be hidden by updating the correlating BPP or ICP setting.

Stop / Continue Prompt

The Stop / Continue prompt can be disabled by setting the shortcut's mode to Prompt/Web select. Doing so will cause the shortcut to always process pending or new batches; batches on hold will be ignored and when applied to a batch creation task, by design Taskmaster Web will return to the Operations page after completion. It may be preferable to instead lower the message's wait time by updating Delay=20 in apps.ini to a more reasonable value.

Scanning IMAP or Microsoft Exchange mail containing zero or more attachments in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Scanning IMAP or Microsoft Exchange mail containing

zero or more attachments in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to scan IMAP or Microsoft Exchange mail containing zero or more attachments in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?


The IMAP (imail) and Microsoft Exchange mail (EWSMail) actions allow for polling mail with particular attachments like PDFs. However, as described in the Datacap Studio help text for both action libraries, all mail, with or without any attachment, can also be processed as noted below.

IMAP or imail actions:

  • Call im_types with no parameters prior to im_scan

Microsoft Exchange or ewsmail actions:

  • Call ex_types with no parameters prior to ex_scan



Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Suppressing interbatch or WRRS logs in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


How to suppress interbatch or "WRRS" logs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


WRRS logs such as "wrrs-62bb5e8.log" are created when rules are run by the client, the creation of such depends on the severity of RRS (actions) log settings.

In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later, WRRS logs are created in \Datacap\RRS\Logs
In Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier, WRRS logs are created in \Datacap\RRS

The root RRS folder location is determined by the registry key HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\RRS\Locations (REG_SZ) RRS

Note: In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later, the Logs folder can be changed through (REG_SZ) logs.



Taskmaster Client

Open Taskmaster Client and go to Settings | Workflow. Highlight a task and click Setup. In File | Task Settings | Log, adjust the task's logging settings. The Severity slider must be set to the 7th tick or lower moving left to right. Save changes and repeat for all other applicable tasks.

Datacap Taskmaster Client Service
See steps for Taskmaster Client above.

In Rulerunner Quattro Manager connect to the Taskmaster Application Service in Datacap Login. Then go to Logging tab and RRS Log. Adjust the slider for "Level of detail written to the RRS" to the 4th tick or lower moving left to right. Repeat against all Rulerunner machines.

Taskmaster Web
Edit the BPP or ICP file associated with a rules based Taskmaster Web task module. Under section [RRC], set the ServiceLog setting to 3 or lower. Repeat for all applicable tasks.

Datacap Studio
DStudio logging settings are stored in the user registry under HKEY_USERS\[USER] or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Datacap\DStudio\Options Log. (REG_DWORD) 'RRS log output level' should be lowered to 3. Repeat for all applicable users and machines where DStudio is run.


Taskmaster Web Verify submit error against trailing or separator page in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Taskmaster Web Verify submit error against trailing or

separator page in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Submit error against trailing or separator page in Taskmaster Web Verify


Message box appears similar to the following when pressing Submit:

Unable to save data - server error. Writing 'c:\tmperr.txt' for support

Resolving the problem

Trailing or separator pages which are generally unintended to be displayed for verification, have no associated data file, and should be hidden from the operator in the majority of cases. These pages can be hidden by updating the STATUS variables in the run-time batch to an appropriate IPS (Ignored Page Statuses) setting as determined by the the task module's BPP or ICP file. See the application development guide (SC1-3251-01) from the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 Publication Library for full documentation on Ignored Page Statuses.


Ex: TM000002 is a Trailing_Page type. Setting its STATUS variable to -1 when -1 is within the ICP file's IPS list will cause Taskmaster Web to skip the page.


Scanning task aborting in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture version 7.6 and earlier

Scanning task aborting in IBM Datacap Taskmaster

Capture version 7.6 and earlier


Batches aborting during VScan task. During scanning of electronic images errors are reported in the RRS logs. No electronic images are imported into batches


VScan tasks aborting constantly causing delays to the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture environment

Error message in RRS logs state:

ERROR! --> 'name of your task'

DESCRIPTION: Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each

status value.

NUMERIC ID: -2147217887

SOURCE: Microsoft Cursor


The combination of the name/path of the electronic file imported to IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture is larger then 128 characters. Or there is a special character in the filename of the image not recognized by IBM DatacapTaskmaster Capture.

Diagnosing the problem

Review length of file name and path. See if images that are expected to be imported have special characters in their file names

Resolving the problem

Edit name of the image file imported into the IBM DatacapTaskmaster Capture application so that the length of the file path and name is shorter then 128 characters. Also, remove any special characters from the file name.

VScan limit to number of characters allowed in file path and name of input images in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

VScan limit to number of characters allowed in file path

and name of input images in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


VScan limit to number of characters allowed in file path and name of input images in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


VScan aborts every time when scanning an image, but is successful when shortening the file name

Resolving the problem

The VScan actions have a limitation to the number of characters allowed in the combined file path and name of a source image attempting to be scanned. If this proves problematic for some images, try shortening the file name, moving files to a less deeply nested file system folder, and/or specifying an input path directory that is shorter in length (e.g. by using an appropriate file share).

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.0 and later:

  • File path and name cannot exceed 200 characters

Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier:

  • File path and name cannot exceed 128 characters


Supported nesting level for Convert / number is out of scope error reported in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Supported nesting level for Convert / number is out of

scope error reported in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Supported nesting level for Convert / "number is out of scope" error reported in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


During conversion of documents into images using the Convert library actions, you may experience an aborted batch with a "number is out of scope" exception in the RRS log.

Resolving the problem

This behavior is by design as the Convert actions support a maximum nesting level of 3 (FileA -> FileB -> FileC -> FileD). This limitation is noted in the Datacap Studio help text for the Convert actions library. Documents that fail to adhere to this nesting level are unsupported and will abort.


Msg -> Zip -> Word -> TIFF is OK

Msg -> Msg -> Zip -> single-page TIFF is OK

Msg -> Msg -> Zip -> Excel -> TIFF is not OK, batch aborts

EML -> Msg -> Zip -> Word -> TIFF is not OK, batch aborts


Microsoft Exchange mail actions, EWSMail, do not create images for the message body in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Microsoft Exchange mail actions, EWSMail, do not create

images for the message body in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Microsoft Exchange mail actions, EWSMail, do not create images for the message body in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When scanning with the Microsoft Exchange mail actions, no images are created for a message's body contents.

Resolving the problem

This is working as designed as documented in the Datacap Studio help text for the EWSMail actions library. When scanning attachments using the Microsoft Exchange mail actions, the body text is placed into the document level Body variable. To obtain an image of the message body, scan the message itself into the batch as an EML file using the action ex_EMLOption(1) prior to ex_scan. Once the EML has been ingested, it can be converted later in the workflow using the Convert library actions.

Note: The Convert library supports a limited nesting level of 3. If the message contains attachments which nest deeply within themselves, an abort may occur during conversion.


Batch Pilot task completes without processing any actions in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Batch Pilot task completes without processing any

actions in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Batch Pilot task completes without processing any actions


Taskmaster Client or Taskmaster Client Service task completes with "finished" status but no RRS log is created when task logging is properly configured. This may especially apply after using the Datacap Studio Application Wizard to create a new application based on a preexisting one.


Batch Pilot tasks run by Taskmaster Client or Taskmaster Client Service execute RRS or actions via a form. For background tasks, Batch Pilot uses \Datacap\BPilot\Rulerun\rrs_run.dcf, which must be assigned at the application (batch) level in the Batch Pilot Project setup. If the form is not attached at that level, then the task will complete without running any rules.
Note: In Verify the forms used are custom to the application and based on the document hierarchy. These forms are assigned at the page, not application (batch), level.


Resolving the problem

To resolve this for a background task:


  1. Open Batch Pilot stand-alone. Use \Datacap\BPilot\BPilot.exe or the Start Menu shortcut

  2. Open the Batch Pilot Project (BPP) file for the affected task

  3. Right-click the application/batch type, e.g. APT, and choose Pick Form

  4. Navigate to and select rrs_run.dcf (This can be a local or UNC path to be run by all Rulerunners)

  5. Exit Batch Pilot and choose Yes when promoted to save

Note: This document is intended for background tasks only. If you are experiencing similar behavior in Verify where the form does not load, but the task finishes without error, ensure that the Batch Pilot Project has a Verify form assigned to each page type used by Verify. If this is not the issue, check the page file (e.g. Verify.xml) and ensure that all pages were assigned proper types during page identification.


Encountering error, You do not have permission to run DStudio, when attempting to log into Datacap Studio 8.0.1 in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Encountering error, You do not have permission to run

DStudio, when attempting to log into Datacap Studio 8.0.1

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Unable to log into Datacap Studio 8.0.1 using the default "admin" account and password.


Permissions for specific groups and users must be granted..

Resolving the problem

First, check to see if "Datacap Studio" is checked in your Taskmaster Administrator under the Users tab --> "Privileges" --> "Client's" (From Taskmaster Administrator)?

If yes, and you are still not able to log into DC studio, try the following:

  1. Update the Admin database to allow selected users and/or groups to access Datacap Studio.Using any database editor, access the Taskmaster Admin database, "tmuser" table, and change the "us_perm" value for the administrative user to "-1". (This gives the administrator all permissions, including the new Datacap Studio and Password Change privileges.)

  2. Next,log in (your application) as the Administrator and assign Datacap Studio and/or Password Change permission to other users and groups as desired. (If the Taskmaster Admin database is in Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server, execute the following query: UPDATE tmuser SET us_perm = -1 WHERE us_id= admin;)


Why are split batches not keeping the high priority setting in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?

Why are split batches not keeping the high priority

setting in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?


I have a Taskmaster application that performs a split of a batch. If I set the priority on a batch to "high" and Taskmaster performs the split of the batch, the split batch does not keep the high priority and gets reverted back to the default priority.


Split batches are not retaining the priority for documents.


Taskmaster Server is not configured correctly for the Child job to inherit priorities.

Diagnosing the problem

In the Job Monitor, find the column for "Pr". If the original batch is set to priority 1 and split batch is performed, review the column for "Pr" for the new split batch. If it is reverted to the default of 5 and you wish that the new split batch maintains the high priority of 1, then you need to review the configuration of your Taskmaster Server.

Resolving the problem

Run your Taskmaster Server Manager. Click on the "Taskmaster" tab and check to see if the setting "Child job inherits priority" is enabled. Split batches are considered child jobs in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture. Once you have this setting enabled, save the settings. You will need to restart Taskmaster Server if the service is running. As a warning, when restarting the Taskmaster Server, make sure no Taskmaster Client services, Quattro services, Taskmaster Web, RuleRunner Servers, or client PCs are running or connected to the Taskmaster Server so that no loss of data or errors occur.


AutoDelete does not contain a 'suspended' batch status filter in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Auto Delete does not contain a 'suspended'

batch status filter in Datacap Taskmaster Capture


AutoDelete does not contain a 'suspended' batch status filter in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Resolving the problem

The "suspended" status is normally not used, but batches can be set to the status using the rrunner library action SetTaskStatus or some equivalent. In AutoDelete there is no filter for the batch status; this limitation is removed in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.0 and later through NENU, the replacement for AutoDelete.

In Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier, batches with the "suspended" status can be deleted manually through the Job Monitor. In IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture Client the Job Monitor Filter menu has a SQL button where a customized filter can be inserted -- the value qu_status IN ('suspended') can be used to show only batch records with the suspended status. Similar functionality exists in Taskmaster Web with the Monitor's Filter button screen.