Monday, May 28, 2012

Can Line Item Grids be nested in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?

Can Line Item Grids be nested in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?


Can Line Item Grids be nested in a Datacap Taskmaster application? That is, can a Line Item Grid reside inside each line item of another Line Item Grid?


No. The actions from the Invoice Action Library that handle Line Item Grids require predefined fields defined for that fingerprint. The autoformed fields generated by those actions do not meet that requirement.

MClaims Application ICD-10 Compliance in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

MClaims Application ICD-10 Compliance in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Is the MClaims application for IBM Datacap Taskmaster ICD-10 Compliant?


The MClaims application has support for ICD-10 built in to the code. However, revised forms are still being released by the regulatory agency, and so compliancy for any given form is dependent on it having been released long enough to be added to the MClaims application. Customers should test any form they use to confirm it meets ICD-10 compliancy standards.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

VScan intermittently aborts with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

VScan intermittently aborts with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture Quattro


When running VScan using Rulerunner Quattro, intermittent aborts occur. This may happen even with long periods of inactivity or when no images are waiting to be processed.


This issue can also cause Rulerunner Quattro to appear to hang.


When VScan is run by Rulerunner Quattro, it repeatedly checks for incoming files, with no delay between requests. This can create too much overhead for the file system to keep up with, causing file access to fail and the batch to abort.

Resolving the problem

Configure Rulerunner Quattro to add a small delay between reruns of VScan.

  1. Run Rulerunner Quattro Manager.

  2. On the Datacap Quattro tab, stop the service.

  3. On the Datacap Login tab, click Connect.

  4. On the Workflow tab, expand the hierarchy on the right and highlight VScan.

  5. In the Settings section in the lower right, set skipsamebatch to 1.

  6. Highlight the line labeledabove VScan in the thread hierarchy.

  7. Set skipsamebatch to 1 there also.

  8. Click Save, then go back to the Datacap Quattro tab and start the service.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Rulerunner Quattro running on the same server as IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Rulerunner Quattro running on the same server as

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Can Rulerunner Quattro run on the same server as the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Server Service?


Rulerunner Quattro can be run on the Taskmaster Server, but only under the following circumstances.

  • The server is part of a Development or Test environment, not a Production environment.

  • Rulerunner is configured with a limited number of tasks, such that it leaves sufficient CPU resources for the Taskmaster Server Service to run.

Rulerunner Quattro is designed to run on its own server and can easily consume all of the available CPU resources when given multiple Tasks and/or multiple threads to process simultaneously. As a result, competition with the Taskmaster Server Service for the available resources can cause timeouts and other failures in either service.

Replaced actions when upgrading IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Replaced actions when upgrading IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


After upgrading from Datacap Taskmaster 7.6 to 8.0.1, there are some actions that no longer exist. What actions should be used to replace the old actions?


Newer actions created with Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1 in some cases included the functionality of older actions, so those older actions have been removed.


7.6 action --> 8.0.1 action

  • SaveAsBatchVariable --> rrSet

  • MinimumLength --> IsFieldLengthMin

  • MaximumLength --> IsFieldLengthMax

  • Is_GreaterThan --> IsFieldGreaterOrEqual

  • Is_LessThan --> IsFieldLessOrEqual

  • ClearFieldValue --> ResetField

  • Default_Value --> AssignFieldDefault

Note that there may be some differences in how the parameters are specified and the functionality may not be identical, so parameters may need to be adjusted and tested to ensure that the functionality is maintained. Documentation on the new actions can be found by right clicking on them in Datacap Studio.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Documents exporting to wrong folder in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Documents exporting to wrong folder

in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When exporting documents to the Unfiled Documents folder in IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine, they export to the root folder instead.


This has been identified as a product defect with the FNP8_SetDestinationFolder action, and is tracked under APAR IO15939.

Resolving the problem

Install Test Fix FNP8Actions:0609577 located on Fix Central.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

SplitBatch only creates one child batch in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

SplitBatch only creates one child batch in

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When SplitBatch is run by Rulerunner Quattro, it only creates one child batch instead of the number of batches dictated by the SplitBatch rules. This problem does not occur if SplitBatch is run by Taskmaster Client.


Batch priorities are also set incorrectly when SplitBatch is run by Rulerunner Quattro.


This has been identified as a product defect under APAR IO15741.


Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1 Fix Pack 3

Resolving the problem

Download and install Interim Fix

  1. Go to the IBM Fix Central Identify Fixes page.

  2. Select Individual Fix ID and enter:

  3. Select Continue and step through the remaining screens to download the fix.

  4. Read the readme file for instructions and restrictions prior to installing.


Batch aborts running NENU actions in Taskmaster Client with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Batch aborts running NENU actions in Taskmaster Client

with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When attempting to run the NENU ProcessChangeBatchStatus, ProcessChangeBatchStatusOrder, or ProcessChangeBatchStatusTaskOrder actions in Taskmaster Client along with the actions required prior to these, the batch finishes with a status of aborted, even though no reasons are provided in any of the logs


Although it is allowable in general to run NENU actions with Taskmaster Client, they were designed and tested to be run by the NENU application. Some NENU actions that manipulate batch properties interfere with Taskmaster Client's manipulation of those properties

Resolving the problem

Only run the ProcessChangeBatchStatus, ProcessChangeBatchStatusOrder, or ProcessChangeBatchStatusTaskOrder actions with NENU


Batch aborts running SetFieldLocateVariables with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Batch aborts running SetFieldLocateVariables

with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When running a batch within a Flex application, the batch aborts on the SetFieldLocateVariables action


The RRS log shows:

Error: ADODB.Recordset
Description: Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
Error code: 0x800a0bcd - (null)Source: (null)
Line: 2418, Char: 9 [api source:]


The SetFieldLocateVariables action accesses the Flex database to get the field information for that Document Type (Fingerprint Class). If that information is missing or misconfigured, this error can occur.

Resolving the problem

Run FlexConfigurator.exe, located in the dco folder for the application, and then make sure that all fields for that Document Type are correctly defined.