Saturday, November 17, 2012

Error : FNP8_Upload failing when using IBM Datacap

When Exporting Documents to Filenet ,It is getting Fail

In the export.log file, the following errors were listed:

15:04:43.931 (313) t:1278 p:5E24A68 Upload failed.
15:04:43.931 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 ERROR!!! N-2146233088
Error description = Error executing the batch operation
15:04:43.932 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 Error (385875969=hex:17000001). In CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO: Aborting: Action [FNP8_Upload] requested abort [api source:]
15:04:43.932 (0) t:1278 p:5E24A68 EXCEPTION: code="385875969" msg="Aborting: Action [FNP8_Upload] requested abort" loc="CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO" API=""


Upon further investigation, it was found that one of the property fields was a choice list. The export log showed that the property list was being set to "", which was not a valid selection according to the choice list definition on the customer's IBM P8 Content Engine (CE).

It was necessary to remove the blank field from the Datacap choice list and correct the spelling of all items in the Datacap choice list. The Datacap choice list and the CE choice list must be identical, since the CE is case sensitive when comparing choice list fields.

Diagnosing & Solution

Review the export.log and find all of the document properties that are being set by the function FNP8_SetProperty. Determine which ones are choice lists and what the return value is from the operator input. Verify that the spelling is identical to the CE property definition. Be aware that the spelling is case sensitive.

After the Datacap choice list content's spelling was corrected to match the CE choice list, the export operated correctly.

DotEdit does not consistently display snippets when using a custom panel

One or more fields do not have snippets displayed even if data is populated and other clients such as Taskmaster Web show them for the same batch.


This is applicable in certain versions of DotEdit.exe where DotEdit loads panels for multiple forms. Certain fields may be shared across forms, thus resulting in this behavior.

Diagnosing & Resolving the problem

To ensure that your symptoms are applicable to this Technote, make zero changes after replicating the issue and then place the batch on hold. Re-run the batch one or more times and snippets should display every other batch or so. If snippets never display data, then it is likely a separate problem; auto-form all panels if possible to eliminate any customization as the root cause.

For performance reasons it is not desirable for DotEdit to unload and load panels dynamically. Thus to resolve this problem assign a unique Name for all dcimage (snippet) controls on custom panels being used. For example, pre-append the letter 'a' to all dcimage controls in form A, 'b' to those in form B, etc. Backup the DotEdit project files before making changes in case modifications need to be quickly reverted.

How to display validation errors for a Taskmaster Web start panel

While running validations in a start panel in Taskmaster Web, messages indicating invalid data - according to the application rules - may not be displayed. Additionally, an invalid field's background color may remain unchanged. This is a result of the field statuses not being updated.


Call Status_Preserve_OFF from the rrunner library against the batch level node so that all start panel fields have their statuses updated upon failure of any respective field level rule. Field level MESSAGE variables will be used to indicate to the operator why any input data was incorrect, and such fields will be distinguished by a red background color. The action PilotMessage_Set from the rrunner library can be leveraged to compose custom validations failure messages.

Task setup error - Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: SetProfileString in Datacap

When trying to save task settings in Taskmaster Client, the following error is displayed:

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'SetProfileString'

When trying to run the task, receive the error:
Type mismatch: 'Pilot.MsgLog'

Reason & Solution

This happens when the task module is configured to Batch Pilot DLL

To overcome this Change the task module's program name to Batch Pilot (BPilot.exe) and then re-test.

Rulesets library collection.xml isn't loaded error reported in Taskmaster Web

Taskmaster Web reports an error when running rules or validations, the error states "rulesets library (collection.xml) isn't loaded" similar to the following screenshot:


Cause of this error is when the [dco] table of the admin database has a dco_id value that is not identical to the corresponding workflow name.


  • Open the admin database and then the [dco] table. The value listed inside the dco_id column should be identical to the first part of the dco_setup, and also identical to the workflow name listed inside Taskmaster Application Manager. This name should also be specified inside the \Datacap\\dco_\rules\collection.xml files.

For example, Flex contains the following default values:dco_id = Flex
dco_setup = Flex@C:\Datacap\Flex\dco_Flex\Flex.xml
Taskmaster Application Manager:

collection.xml = <rsapp name="Flex">

  • Make all values uniform across your configuration. Once finished, restart the Datacap Taskmaster Server Service to ensure that changes take effect and are not cached by Taskmaster Server. If all values specified are valid, then double-check file permissions for the application pool identity running Taskmaster Web, ensure that the error received is identical to that listed in the Symptom section of this Technote, and then engage IBM Support for further assistance as necessary.

Cannot get data from Application Service with Datacap

When attempting to run a task using Rulerunner, the task aborts. The quattro0.log shows:

Error: RunGrabbedQNRelease: Error preparing task. Cannot get data from Application Service. Key:[tasks/VScan:profile], attempt #[0]. Error from DCApp:[]


Rulerunner references configuration settings in the Quattro tab in Taskmaster Application Manager. If they are incorrect, this error will occur.


To correct the configuration:

  1. Run Taskmaster Application Manager.

  2. Select the application on the left and click on the Quattro tab.

  3. Locate the profile for the task that is failing.

  4. Change the spelling of the Task and Task profile name to exactly match the name of the Task as shown in Datacap Studio. This name is case-sensitive. If there is no entry for the Task, then add it.

  5. Exit Taskmaster Application Manager and restart Rulerunner.

Reasons to Batch going into offline status

When a batch is inaccessible, it immediately is placed into offline status by a client. Ensure that:

1. The batch directory exists at the listed folder path

-- Click or double-click on batch ID in Job Monitor for this value

2. The Windows user has sufficient privileges to the batch directory

3. There are no network issues from the client PC to the server

Once these have been confirmed, simply rollback the batch to "pending" or "hold" status and reprocess.

Note: Network logs should be audited around the times batches are run and placed into "offline" status if the issue becomes problematic.