Thursday, June 14, 2012

Configuring Taskmaster Client login information for IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Configuring Taskmaster Client login information for

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How can Taskmaster Client login information be stored or configured to change the default behavior? Can an INI file or registry entry be used?


IBM Datacap Taskmaster Client can obtain much of the required login information from stored locations, or from command line flags.  The working StationID, the address or host name of the Taskmaster Server, and the database connection strings can be stored in the registry, in one or more configuration (INI) files, in the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Client shortcut target, or in a combination of these locations.


When Taskmaster Client is started from a shortcut with a “target” command line such as “c:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe –ic:\Some.ini” the Admin and Engine database connections (e.g. DSNs) are retrieved from \Some.ini.

The Station ID is normally stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Datacap\Task Master Client\Station.  The Host name is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Datacap\Task Master Client\NetTM. When Taskmaster Client is run from a command line with the flag /INI (e.g. “c:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe /INI”) it retrieves the Station ID and Host name from “c:\windows\tmclient.ini” and the database connection strings from “c:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.ini”. Using the -s flag allows the Station ID to be specified at the command line. For example
C:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe -s3
will cause Taskmaster Client to set Station ID to 3 when logging in.

To use INI files instead of the registry entries, start with command line flag
-iC:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.ini – This file should already exist.

To create c:\windows\tmclient.ini from the registry, run the command
C:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe /REG:INI.

A shortcut such as “c:\Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe –iC:\Some.ini /INI” retrieves the Station ID and Host name from “c:\windows\tmclient.ini” and the database connections strings from “C:\Some.ini”.


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