Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object error with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object

error with Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Running FileNet P8 actions with Taskmaster Capture generates the following error:

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object.
ERROR!!! N-2147024894


Components required for the P8 Export are missing or not registered. These requirements apply to both the 35DIME and MTOM interfaces.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this, verify the following:

  1. There is only one version of DC_P8_Server.dll on the server.

  2. The dll is registered. To confirm, run the following command. The command will need to be modified if the dll is not in the C:\Datacap\dcshared folder.
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe C:\Datacap\dcshared\DC_P8_Server.dll /codebase

  3. Web Services Enhancements (WSE) are installed as shown in Add/Remove Programs.

    • Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1 Fix Pack 2 and earlier requires Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP3.

    • Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1 Fix Pack 3 and newer requires Web Services Enhancements 3.0.

  4. For Datacap Taskmaster 8.0.1 Fix Pack 3 and newer, verify the IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine Client files are installed and correct for the version of P8 that Taskmaster is exporting to. To confirm the client files, check that both of the following:

    • Content Engine .Net API is listed in Add/Remove Programs.

    • FileNet.API.dll is listed in the \Windows\assembly folder.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Basic form design and capture in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Basic form design and capture in IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture

this post  highlights some of the functionality that Taskmaster has available to assist

in ensuring good form design. This chapter also highlights general guidelines to follow.
PaperGray font
Datacap ships with its own font called PaperGray. This font is in the

C:\Datacap\support\fonts directory.

Forms that are designed with this font allow segregation of handwritten
characters without the use of lines, which can interfere with captured text. This
font allows, through use of the image enhance despeckle function, the ability to
remove the boxes easily and effectively with minimal impact to the written
characters. Although the use of lines enforces character separation, the line
removal process, in some situations, can affect the written characters that we are
attempting to capture.

Notice how the boxes have been removed with minimal impact to the text.
Use dimensional (1D) and two dimensional (2D) barcodes where possible. These
barcodes aid in identifying a document. They can also carry a large amount of
data and, in some situations, all the data you need from the form.
Ideally barcodes must be printed or attached so that they are square with the
page. Barcodes that are attached at extreme angles can be difficult to capture.
Use of color helps to create appealing looking forms. However, the colors must
be of a specific range that scanners can drop out (that is, removal of the
constrained text box lines that we need).
Most color scanners have a drop-out color that you can specify, which is red or
green. These scanners can perform almost the same output as the PaperGray
font after despeckling.

Some scanners can produce two images simultaneously. One image is a color
image that you can use for export. The other image is a bi-tonal (black and white)
TIFF image, with the color removed that we can use for processing.
Always test the color that you want to use before you print large quantities of
forms to ensure successful drop out.
Use of colored paper for forms can also affect scanning quality.
Ideally use a 10–14 sized font to capture data. Smaller or larger fonts can start to
cause issues with the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engines.
The resolution a form that is scanned in can determine the quality of the OCR,
Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR), or Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
results. A low-resolution image can make some characters illegible to the OCR,
ICR, and OMR engines and cause low confidence or incorrect reads. A higher
resolution, although better quality, can pick up additional marks on the form,
increasing the number of incorrect reads. This resolution also increases the size
of the image that is being stored.
Determine the resolution on a case-by-case basis. However, a general rule is to
use 200–300 dpi. Always use at least 300 dpi for OCR/A.
Use of constrained text boxes for handwritten recognition is important in
establishing good results. The text boxes help to define the area where text will
reside, the number of characters expected, and potentially the type of character,
that is numeric or alphabetic. It also defines the size of characters that is
required. These text boxes must be of adequate size so that the person who is
completing the form can write legibly. Use the PaperGray font to create
constrained boxes (see “PaperGray font” on page 290).
Try to get the person who is completing the form to use black ink and to write in
clear, well-formed uppercase characters were possible. Therefore, include
instructions in a noticeable area of the form that advise the person completing
the form to follow these guidelines. These guidelines can assist in improving the
accuracy of the ICR engine.
Ensure that OMR check boxes are of adequate size. Check boxes must not be
too small and so close that the person who completing the form selects multiple
check boxes. The check boxes must not be too large so that the person only
selects a small portion of the box.

Where possible, do not to place constrained text boxes or OMR fields close to the
edge of the form. When a form is scanned, a slight misalignment can lead to
parts of the image not scanning correctly, resulting in a loss of data.
Constrained text boxes that contain hint characters can also cause issues when
scanning if the hint character is not properly removed.

To obtain good capture results, use a suitable scanner. When scanning from
multiple scanners, the results can differ. The quality from one scanner can be
worse than the quality of other scanners. Poor scanning quality can lead to
poorly recognized documents. Therefore, make sure that scanners undergo
routine maintenance to ensure that they are all working optimally and are not
outputting poor quality images.
As indicated earlier, try to not use color on the forms. Although this practice is
preferred, certain colors that can be dropped out are permissible. Some
scanners can drop out colors at scan time, meaning that they never make it to the
original image.
Separator sheets
When using barcode separator sheets, print the separator sheets on lightly
colored paper. By using lightly colored paper, they can be easily removed from
the scanned batches and reused.

Test any colored paper that you use for separator sheets to ensure that the
background appears white. A light blue or yellow color works well with most
If you are using both document and attachment separator sheets, use of a
different color for each sheet allows for easier sorting upon separator removal.
Always use the first generation or barcode separator sheets. Repeated
photocopying of the original causes eventual degradation of the barcode to the
point where it might become unreadable.

Monday, February 27, 2012

APTlayout.aspx does not display properly with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

APTlayout.aspx does not display properly with

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When Taskmaster Web has been configured to use the aptlayout.aspx page, it does not display properly, having grayed out sections and not fitting properly on the screen.


Aptlayout.aspx was designed for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. Higher resolutions, particularly ones above 1280 pixels horizontally, will not display properly.

Resolving the problem

Lower the resolution of the desktop to 1024 x 768 or another resolution that displays aptlayout satisfactorily.

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation error with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

error with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Datacap Studio fails to start, stating that an exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


The following message box appears:

Title: Studio
Body: application error! Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


This issue can occur if a necessary font such as Arial is not installed on the workstation.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that all standard fonts are installed on the workstation, to include Arial by confirming it is visible in the %windir%\Fonts folder. If not, install the font.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

AutoDelete Batches with NENU

AutoDelete Batches with NENU


As users process batches, the Taskmaster application’s “batches” folder can become very
large. For many applications, a batch loses much of its value after the Export task copies the
verified data to an export file or database in another location. If you wish, you can create a
NENU ruleset to periodically purge old batches from the application’s “batches” folder and
remove the corresponding records from the application’s engine database.

how to create an AutoDelete ruleset :
• Locate batches completed within a given timeframe (for example, more than five days
• Delete those batches from the application’s “batches” folder, or move them to an archive
• Delete the records relating to the deleted batches from the application’s engine database, or
move those records to a separate archive database.
• Generate a log file documenting the results of the process.
You can then schedule the AutoDelete ruleset to run automatically on a scheduled basis (for
more information, see Configure Windows Task Scheduler to Run Ruleset Automatically
(Windows 7, Windows 2008) and Configure Windows Task Scheduler to Run Ruleset
Automatically (Windows 2003)).
AutoDelete Process
When you run a batch through the application workflow, Taskmaster does the following:
• Updates the image files, page data, etc. in the application’s “batches” folder.
• Updates the batch status information in the application’s engine database
IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
Copyright © 1994, 2011 Datacap Inc. Page 209
In order to delete old batches from the system, you must remove the information from the
“batches” folder and the engine database. Typically you will move the data to a backup
• You can move the batch folders to any available local drive or network share using the
ProcessMoveBatches action. For an example, see Sample AutoDelete Ruleset.
• You must move the database information to another database with the same format as the
engine database. The easiest way to create the database is to create another Taskmaster
application. You can then move the records use the ProcessMoveDBRecords action. For
an example, see Sample AutoDelete Ruleset.
Sample AutoDelete Ruleset
The sample ruleset found below removes all batches that were completed more than five days
ago (the age is specified in seconds). It uses a separate Taskmaster application called
“BackupApp” as an archive repository for the batches and database records that are removed
from the production application (“APT” in this example).
Each of the actions in the sample AutoDelete ruleset is described in the following table. For
more information, see the section titled Summary of NENU Actions or the embedded help in
Datacap Studio.

SetApplication(“APT”) ;                                                               ->    Set application to APT
SetUser(“admin”) ;                                                                          ->   Set username
SetPassword(“admin”) ;                                                                ->   Set password
SetStation(“1”) ;                                                                               ->    Set station
SetupOpenApplication() ;                                                            ->   Connect to APT application
QuerySetStatus(“Job done”) ;                                                    ->   Locate batches with status “Job done”
QuerySetAge(“432000”, False) ;                                              ->   Locate batches completed more than 5 days
ago (age is specified in seconds)
ProcessRunSQLQuery()                                                                ->   Execute query
ProcessMoveBatches(“G:\BackupApp\batches”) ;           ->  Move batch folders to backup location
ProcessMoveDBRecords(“BackupApp”, “”, “”,
“”, False, “admin”, “admin”, “1”, True);                                 ->   Move database records to backup application


“Store” and “Queue to” Properties of a Task Definition in Datacap Taskmaster

“Store” and “Queue to” Properties of a Task Definition 

in Data cap Taskmaster


The Store and Queue to properties of a Task Definition determine which operators and workstations 
can process individual batches. (Chapter 5 reviews the impact of these settings.)

The Store property looks forward; the Queue to property looks backwards.
In the Workflow tab of the Taskmaster Administrator, the Queue to and Store fields are drop-down lists
that display their values when you click once on the field. The following table lists and explains these options.




None” or “Station ID and User ID”

Anywhere, Anytime

The Anywhere, Anytime value allows any operator and Station ID to process batches in the task’s queue – and thus overrides the Station ID and User value assigned to an earlier task’s Store property.

Station ID” or “Station ID and User ID”

by Station”

The task can process only those batches previously processed from the same workstation ID.

UserID” or “Station ID and User ID”

by User”

The task can process only those batches previously processed by the same operator.

Station ID” or “Station ID and User ID”

by Other Station”

The task can process only those batches previously processed from a different workstation ID.

Station ID and User ID”

by Station and User”

The task can process only those batches previously processed by the same operator, from the same workstation ID.

Station ID and User ID”

by Station and other User”

The task can process only those batches previously processed by a different operator, from the same workstation ID.

Station ID and User ID”

by User and Other Station ”

The task can process only those batches previously processed by the same operator, from a different workstation ID.

Station ID and User ID”

by other Station and other User ID”

The task can process only those batches previously processed by a different operator, from a different workstation ID.

Standard Processing Actions

A Task Definition that includes a processing condition must specify the action the task is to take when it encounters the condition.

The actions include:

None. This is the default, temporary setting you can use as you assemble the task’s response: it makes certain that there is no impact on the processing of a batch.

Branch. This action diverts the batch that the task is processing from the parent job to the task(s) of a child job. When the child job is finished, the batch returns to the parent job. Alert! A workflow can contain a child job hierarchy in which a task in a child job branches to a child job on a lower tier. In this situation, the first child job becomes the parent to the second child job.

�� Most conditions lead to the Branch action.

Jump. This action is a processing shortcut that skips one or more tasks in the workflow, and places the batch in a more advanced position, or in an earlier position. The jump action uses a value in the Steps property to indicate the next task, and does not involve the use of a child job.

Split: The Split action splits one or more documents from the current batch. The task in the parent job creates a sub-batch, adds the document(s) to it and sends the sub-batch to a child job for special processing. While the child job takes care of the sub-batch, the parent job processes the remaining documents in the batch. The child job does not return the sub-batch to the parent job when processing is complete.

Stop: This action terminates Taskmaster’s processing of the batch.

Hub: The Hub action combines features of the Branch and Split actions. Hub splits documents from the batch, adds them to sub-batches, and delivers the sub-batches to various child jobs. When the child jobs have processed the sub-batches, they return to the parent jobs.

Datacap admin Database: migrate_access_to_sql_server_2005


  • .Net Framework Version 2.0

  • SQL Server 2005 (Express, Standard, Enterprise) installed

  • MS Access (2000,2002,2003) file to be migrated

  • MS Visual J# Version 2.0

  • SQL Server Migration Assistant (SMAS)

Download Links


  • .Net Framework Version 2.0 is installed

  • SQL Server 2005 is installed and remote connections are enabled



  1. Log into your SQL Server 2005 data source

  2. Right click Databases and click “New Database…”

  3. In the “Database Name” field, enter the name of the database that you would like to create and press “OK” when done

  4. Download MS Visual J# Version 2.0 from the download link above

  5. Install MS Visual J# Version 2.0

  6. Download SQL Server Management Services (SMAS) from the download link above

  7. Install SSMA

  8. Start the SSMA application

  9. Create a new project by clicking File > New Project … or click the New Project icon

  10. Give the project a name and location of where to save the project file like Figure 1

Figure 1

  1. To preserve primary key numbering

    1. Click Tools > Project Settings

    2. Click the “Migration” link

    3. Change “Keep Identity” to true see Figure 2

Figure 2 - You can change other settings here to match your desired database environment

  1. Press “Apply” and “OK”

  2. Add your MS Access file to the SSMA project by clicking the “Add Files” graphic in the upper left of your SMAS screen

  3. Under the Access Metadata Explorer, you can now expand the tree to see all of the objects related to this Access file and then click the name of database to make sure all of your objects are highlighted

Figure 3

  1. Add your SQL Server 2005 connection to the SSMA project by click the “Connect to SQL Server” graphic in the upper left

  2. Enter your database server, database name, authentication, user name and password to connect to your SQL Server 2005 instance in Figure 4

Figure 4

  1. You will see in the SQL Server Metadata Explorer, the list of databases available to your SQL Server. Click the name of the database you will be importing the MS Access data into

Figure 5

  1. From your Access Metadata Explorer, click the name of your Access database and then click the “Convert Schema” graphic

  2. Along the bottom, you will see the output panel start outputting the conversions of the schema in Figure 6

Figure 6

  1. From your SQL Server Metadata explorer, expand “dbo” tree and then expand the “Tables” tree and you will see that the converted schema was loaded into the database in Figure 7

Figure 7

  1. Now right-click the “Tables” folder that is above the tblTest table icon and from the options window you will see an option that says “Load to Database” or click the graphic. This will create and modify all of the tables that you have loaded into the schema and place them into the database as table objects.

  2. From your Access Metadata explorer, left click the “Tables” folder under your Access file tree see Figure 3

  3. You will see the “Migrate Data” graphic become enabled

  4. Click “Migrate Data” and the data from your Access database will be exported into SQL Server 2005

  5. A report of the completed tasks will pop up, press close and your migration is complete


Using Windows Active Directory, LDAP, or LLLDAP Authentication with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Using Windows Active Directory, LDAP, or LLLDAP

Authentication with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to configure IBM Datacap Taskmaster to use Windows Active Directory (AD), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or Low-Level Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LLLDAP) Authentication for client side login?


Taskmaster thick client and Taskmaster Client Service version 7 and above support enterprise management of users in groups, using either Active Directory (AD) or any LDAP provider. This feature replaces the NT Authentication method in previous versions of Taskmaster.

Taskmaster Web v7.5 also supports this implementation of AD/LDAP user management.

Taskmaster Server grants access (authenticates) the user if he or she is a member of one or more AD/LDAP Groups that are specially defined in Taskmaster.  Taskmaster grants the user each of the permissions and privileges associated with any of the groups that they belong to – limited by the permissions and privileges of the Station in use.

Taskmaster 8.x supports LLLDAP which manages user permissions on a user level, instead of the group level. This requires that user names be added to the Users tab in Taskmaster Administrator through Taskmaster Client. LLLDAP requires password authentication, while ADSI and LDAP authentication do not.

The selection of AD or LDAP, and the path syntax used to find the user in the selected directory are specified in the registry.  In Taskmaster 7.5 and above this setting is available in the Taskmaster Server user interface in the Taskmaster tab, by clicking Advanced.  See the LDAP template field in the illustration below.

When using Windows AD authentication, Taskmaster looks up the user in Active Directory using syntax similar to WinNT://<%domain%>/<%user%> where <%domain%> and <%user> are automatically replaced with the users login domain.

If the user is found in the AD/LDAP directory, Taskmaster retrieves a list of all domain security groups that this user belongs to.  For example, if the login domain is and the user belongs to the group Domain Users, a Taskmaster group named Domain Users.mydomain will match this domain group and if it exists, Taskmaster will give this user all permissions and privileges associated with this Taskmaster group.  Any other AD/LDAP groups the user belongs to, with corresponding groups in Taskmaster, will grant additional permissions and privileges to the user.

Taskmaster Client Service v.7.0.11 and above can be set up to impersonate a Windows User, in which case the same method is used to authenticate and assign Taskmaster permissions and privileges to the service.


To Configure Authentication

  1. Run Taskmaster Server Manager and select the Taskmaster tab.

  2. Click on Show advanced and set Authentication system to use the desired authentication.

  3. Edit Authentication path template, if necessary, and click on Save.
    Note: Older versions of Taskmaster may not allow setting of the Authentication path through Taskmaster Server Manager. For these versions, if the default user lookup syntax needs to be changed, edit the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datacap\TMS\InterThread\LDAP template

    • For native AD authentication, set this key value to:

    • For typical LDAP authentication, set the key value to: LDAP://CN=<%user%>,CN=Users,DC=<%domain%>,dc=Com

  4. To force Taskmaster Client to try AD/LDAP authentication first, set the shortcut to:
    \Datacap\tmclient\tmclient.exe –nta.

    • If User authentication is successful, the StationID is determined from the previous login on this station, as recorded in the Windows Registry. If LDAP authentication fails, Taskmaster presents its standard login dialog and authenticates via the Taskmaster Admin database.

    • To restore Taskmaster Client to using Taskmaster authentication, use the command line flag –tma.

    • Taskmaster 8.x and above does not support the -nta nor the -tma flag. Taskmaster 8.x will only use the authentication mode specified in the Taskmaster Server Configuration.

To Troubleshoot Authentication

  1. Examine the Audit table in the Admin database of the application for relevant messages.

  2. Stop the Taskmaster Server Service.

  3. Copy tmserver\dclog.dll to a backup, and then copy dcshared\dclog.dll to tmserver\dclog.dll.

  4. Turn on maximum logging in the Taskmaster Server UI, and then restart the service.

  5. Attempt to login.  Stop the Server and review the log.

  6. When finished, turn off Server logging and restore the original dclog.dll to the tmserver folder.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fingerprint does not recognize its own image with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Fingerprint does not recognize its own

image with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


After creating a new fingerprint using Datacap Studio, the same image is run through a batch and recognition fails to match the image to the fingerprint.


When adding a fingerprint in Datacap Studio, the AddFingerprint ruleset is used. If the actions in this ruleset do not match the actions affecting recognition in the application, then recognition will fail.

Resolving the problem

Edit the function in the AddFingerprint ruleset and add any actions used by the application that would modify the image or the behavior of the RecognizePageOCR_S action.

To edit the function:

  1. Run Datacap Studio and log in to the application.

  2. In the Rulesets tab, highlight AddFingerprint and click on the Lock Ruleset icon.

  3. Expand the rule and function to show all the actions.

  4. To remove any actions not used by your application, highlight them and click on Delete.

  5. To add any actions:

    1. Highlight the function within the ruleset or any of the actions within the function.

    2. Locate the action to be added and highlight it.

    3. Click the Add to function button on the left side of the Actions library tab.

    4. If the command is not in the correct location within the function, use the up or down arrow keys to move the function as needed.

    5. Cick the Save button at the top of the Rulesets section, then Publish Ruleset.

How to restrict batches with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

How to restrict batches with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


How can users be restricted to run only their own batches in Taskmaster Client or Taskmaster Web?


To have users scan, upload and verify only their own batches (or something similar), use the Store and Queue To task settings specified in Taskmaster Administrator's Workflow tab.

  1. Run Taskmaster Client.

  2. Select Settings, Workflow.

  3. Highlight each Task in turn, and set the following:

    • Queue To - Select the option on how batches need to be restricted.

    • Store - Select the information that needs to be stored. Note that Queue To settings will not work properly if the needed information was not set to Store in the previous Task.

  4. Select the Users tab.

  5. Highlight each user for which this restriction will apply, expand Privileges, Job Monitor, and uncheck Priority/Operator/Station change.


  • Scan - (Store) Station and User

  • Upload - (Queue to) Same station same user

  • Verify - (Queue to) Same user

In this example, all batches scanned by a user will only be uploaded by a user when logged into Taskmaster Web with the same user name and station ID. The same batches will be verified when logged into Taskmaster Web or Taskmaster Client with the same user name (but not necessarily the same station ID).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Barcode recognition with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Bar code recognition with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


What can be done to give the best Bar code recognition results in Datacap Taskmaster?


During printing, the ink can bleed or spread out over the white area, and then, during scanning, additional spreading of black may occur. As a result, the white spaces end up disappearing and the bars blend into each other. This can be seen by looking at the scanned image at high magnification. The barcode must meet the specifications after accounting for this.


To optimize barcode recognition:

  • The width of the thinnest bar (called the X-dimension) must be at least one pixel, and two pixels are recommended for best results. At 200 DPI this means each bar must be at least .01 inch. Generally this translates to about 4 to 5 characters per inch.

  • The X-dimension or width of the narrowest black bar and white space between bars must be at least 20 mils (1/50 inch, 1/2 mm). When scanned perfectly at 200 DPI this would result in 4 pixels, and at 300 DPI 6 pixels.

  • For Code 39 symbols: a 20 mil X-dimension results in a density of approx 3.6 characters per inch. Optimally the height should be at least 1/4 inch or 15% of the width, whichever is greater, though this is not an absolute requirement. The minimum quiet zone (white space before and after the bar code) specified by the standard is 1/5 inch.

  • Scanning can sometimes introduce white or black stripes on the image running in the scanning direction, typically vertical stripes if the paper is scanned in Portrait orientation. Bar codes printed in normal horizontal orientation cannot be read reliably when this occurs. It is advisable to print barcodes perpendicular to the direction of scanning. If the barcode must be printed horizontally on a page, scanning in landscape orientation will make the barcode more robust in the presence of common scanner issues.

  • By default, Taskmaster Capture only accepts high confidence barcode images. To modify it to accept low confidence barcodes also, add the following action to run prior to barcode detection:
      SaveAsCurrentObjVariable (ReqConf, -1)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Filtering text field vertical lines with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Filtering text field vertical lines

with Datacap Taskmaster Capture


I have text fields on a form that have half boxes for each character in the field. How do I filter out the vertical lines so that the text can be read?


Some forms use half boxes for text fields, in which each box holds one character. Normal line removal can leave the vertical parts of the boxes, causing the field to be misread. Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 Fix Pack 3 added a new image enhancement function called Comb Removal.


To add comb removal to image enhancement:

  1. Navigate to the \Datacap\(application)\dco_(workflow) folder and make a copy of ImageFix.ini.

  2. Edit ImageFix.ini and add the following:

  3. Save the file and test.

  4. Modify the values as needed to get the best results. All values are in pixels.

Note: Fix Pack 3 or newer is required.

How to enable rules logging for Taskmaster Web with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

How to enable rules logging for

Taskmaster Web with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


How to enable RRS or rules logging for Taskmaster Web tasks.


Rules logging, also known as RRS logging, is invaluable for troubleshooting unexpected results or behavior in an environment since it will log the actions being called by the application. RRS logging for Taskmaster Web can be enabled for any task that uses rules such as Verify. This type of logging will not apply to non-rules based tasks such as Upload or certain web scanning.


To enable RRS logging:

  1. Locate the BPP or ICP file used by the web task.

  2. Backup the file and then open the original using Notepad.

  3. Locate the section [RRC] or add one if it does not exist.

  4. Add the following values beneath [RRC]:



BatchLog=1​Turns logging on​
ServiceLog=3​Log verbosity, 1-5 where max is 5​
ActionLogLevel=5​Log verbosity, 1-5 where max is 5​
LogReflush=0​Periodic writes to the log file (less file I/O required)​

  1. Save changes.

When ServiceLog is set to 4 or 5, interbatch or WRRS logs are created. In Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier this is in the \Datacap\RRS folder on the Taskmaster Server. In Taskmaster 8.0.0 and later this is either the local \Datacap\RRS\Logs folder or the one on the Taskmaster Server depending on configuration for that web server -- see Settings | RRS in Datacap Studio or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\[Wow6432Node\]Datacap\RRS\locations (REG_SZ) RRS.

Logging verbosity is primarily controlled by the ServiceLog setting. The ServiceLog and ActionLogLevel settings can be tweaked for logging severity that is most appropriate for business requirements.

Web based tasks do not move the log file to the batch directory until the task has been completed or placed on hold. Until then, such logs may be found on the web server under the corresponding cache folder in \Datacap\TaskRun.

How to refresh Dcimage controls with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

How to refresh Dcimage controls

with Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How to refresh or repaint Dcimage controls/snippets in a Batch Pilot panel.


To refresh a Dcimage control, or snippet, respecify its FileName property.

Ex: DcimMyField.FileName = ImageCtrl.FileName

The above example refreshes the field snippet with preexisting zone coordinates applied to the image displayed in the large image panel.

Verify focuses to the wrong field in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Verify focuses to the wrong field

in Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When bringing up a page in Verify, the cursor does not set the focus to the first field on the page.

Resolving the problem

This behavior is by design when a problem field exists on the displayed page. By focusing to the first problem field, Taskmaster saves operator time by preventing unnecessary clicks during Verify.

Image enhancement has no effect in Datacap Studio for IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Image enhancement has no effect

in Datacap Studio for IBM

Datacap Taskmaster Capture


The Recognition and Recognition Summary reports for Report Viewer do not have any data.


The Recognition and Recognition Summary reports pull data from the recog2kst tables in the engine database. The recog2kst tables are only populated when running a Paper Keyboard task. If the workflow does not contain a Paper Keyboard task then the Recognition or Recognition Summary reports will have no data.

Resolving the problem

There is no action to be taken. These reports cannot be used for an application that does not use Paper Keyboard.

Cdbl type mismatch error from fingerprint service with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Cdbl type mismatch error from

fingerprint service with IBM

Datacap Taskmaster Capture


The fingerprint service occasionally aborts with a type mismatch Cdbl error.


The aborted task's RRS log may contain logging similar to the following:

Matching with the Fingerprint WebService...

exception in call script


Script Error:

Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error

Description: Type mismatch: 'Cdbl'


Specific images may cause this error in the fingerprint service. It has been resolved in Taskmaster 8.0 and later.

Resolving the problem

This error can be worked around by re-scanning the problem image or batch and then reprocessing. This type of abort should not be frequent, but may be seen daily in high volume environments.

Canceled batches getting deleted in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Canceled batches getting deleted

in Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When I set a batch to Canceled using the SetTaskStatus action, or programmatically using the Pilot.BatchStop method, the batch gets deleted. This does not happen when I set the batch to Canceled in the Job Monitor in Taskmaster Client.


The Rulerunner engine deletes batches that have a status of Canceled when a task terminates. However, if the status is set through Job Monitor or some other method that does not trigger Rulerunner, then the batch will show the status change but will still exist.

Resolving the problem

Other statuses, such as Hold or Aborted can be used to mark that a batch as needs attention without causing the batch to be deleted.

IsFieldDatewithReformat action not creating valid date in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

IsFieldDatewithReformat action

not creating valid date in IBM

Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Dates created by the IsFieldDatewithReformat action are not recognized as valid dates, even by that action.


This behavior is correct. The IsFieldDatewithReformat action allows dates to be formatted in many different ways. including formats that are not recognized as valid dates. If this is done, any subsequent date validation checks, with either IsFieldDate, or IsFieldDatewithReformat will return false.

Valid date formats are:
Month Name, Day Number, Year - Ex: April 6, 1944
mm/dd/yy - Ex: 04/06/44
mm/dd/yyyy - Ex: 04/06/1944
(d)d.(m)m.yy - Ex: 30.6.44

Resolving the problem

If date validation checking is required for a date form that is not recognized as valid by IsFieldDate or IsFieldDatewithReformat, then either a custom validation action will need to be created, or other validation rules will need to be used that will catch at least the majority of the date validation errors, such as:



Can we run multiple instances of IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture Client on one workstation?

Can we run multiple instances of IBM

Datacap Taskmaster Capture Client on

one workstation?


Can we have multiple instances of Taskmaster Client running on the same workstation at the same time?


No. Before running a second instance of Taskmaster Client, the first instance must be ended.

Although some customers have run this configuration successfully, particularly with older versions, IBM does not support running more than one instance of Taskmaster Client on a workstation, as the two instances may conflict with each other in some situations. This includes the Taskmaster Client Service.

How do I optimize applications for maximum performance in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?

How to optimize applications

for maximum performance in

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?


How can Datacap Taskmaster applications be configured to process the maximum number of images in the minimum amount of time?


On sites that process large volumes of images, it becomes very important that the application process each image as quickly as possible. However, the applications that come with Datacap Taskmaster install are designed to handle a wide variety of situations for many different customers. Batches processed through the standard applications therefore go through many steps, not all of which are necessarily required for a specific installation. For this reason, it is important to go through every task in the application to determine the optimal configuration for the site.



  • Keep the latest version and fix pack installed. IBM regularly makes revisions that improve performance, so having the latest fix pack installed insures that the application will run as quickly as possible.

  • Turn off all logging.


  • Use the SetFastMode action when possible.

Image Enhancement

  • Don't use Image Enhancement unless testing shows a need.

  • If Image Enhancement is needed, only enable the type of enhancement needed, as each type of enhancement made to an image increases the processing time.

Barcode Detection

  • Use or define a field within which barcode detection needs to occur. Then attach the barcode detection rule to the field, not to the form. This eliminates the barcode engine from having to analyze the entire page.

  • Configure BAR/P in the Zones tab of Datacap Studio for the field, specifying only the barcode types, quantity, and orientations that might occur.

  • The Barcode_P engine has an internal image enhancement step. For some applications, this enhancement can be eliminated without lowering the successful detection rate. Test by adding the following action prior to barcode detection being performed.

    • rrs_set(0,@P.bp_enhance)

Additional Documentation
For more information on how to make these and other performance enhancements, see Application Development using IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture.

NullReferenceException when logging into Taskmaster Web for IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

NullReferenceException when

logging into Taskmaster Web

for Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When logging into Taskmaster Web for an application using SQL or Oracle databases, a NullReferenceException error occurs.

Recent exception in / – support information
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


SQL and Oracle require a different DateTimeSeparator value, than for Microsoft Access.

Resolving the problem

To configure the DateTimeSeparator value:

  1. On the Taskmaster Web server, edit \Datacap\\apps.ini.

  2. Locate all applications that use SQL or Oracle admin/engine databases.

  3. Change DateTimeSeparator=# to DateTimeSeparator='
    The new symbol here is an apostrophe.

  4. Save changes to apps.ini and re-test.

What is the best DPI setting for images with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture?

What is the best DPI setting for

images with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture?


When generating images for processing by Datacap Taskmaster, what DPI (Dots per Inch) setting is best?


The ideal DPI resolution will vary from site to site, but 200 to 300 DPI is typical. Here are some considerations when determining which resolution to use:

  • File size - The higher the DPI, the bigger the file size.

  • Image quality - A higher DPI, typically means better quality, and therefore better recognition results.

  • Fingerprint matching - Images must be the same DPI as the original fingerprint for a match to occur. Check the image in the Fingerprint directory to see what the DPI was used to create the original fingerprint.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Path to Datacap.xml cannot be found with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Path to Datacap.xml cannot be found with

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When launching the Application Wizard in Datacap Studio, an error occurs stating that the file path to Datacap.xml cannot be found.


This may happen after setting the path using the Taskmaster Application Manager.

Resolving the problem

To correct the problem overwrite the path in the TopPath registry key.

  1. Select Start, and then Run.

  2. Enter regedit and press Enter.

  3. Navigate to the following registry key:

    • 64 bit Operating System

    • 32 bit Operating System

  4. Double click the TopPath string to edit its value.

  5. Delete the existing value and type in the full path to Datacap.xml.

Entered field data is not saved with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Entered field data is not saved with IBM

Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When entering data during the Taskmaster Client Verify (Batch Pilot) task, the entered value is not saved. This can occur for one or more fields, when placing the batch on hold or when later navigating back to the page.


The most common cause is incorrect control properties on the Batch Pilot form.

Resolving the problem

If the problem does not occur when auto-forming new Verify panels, then add custom changes one-by-one to isolate the problem to custom code.

If the problem does occur when auto-forming new Verify panels, then review field names inside the setup hierarchy. Trailing spaces are not supported inside a field name, ex: ABC_ (where the underscore is a space), and must be removed from the setup hierarchy prior to auto-forming new panels and processing a newly created batch.

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object error with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object error

with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


Running FileNet P8 actions with Taskmaster Capture generates the following error:

Couldn't create DC_P8 FileNet object.
ERROR!!! N–2147024894


The dll is not registered with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 on the machine running the FileNet P8 actions.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this, register DC_P8_Server.dll with the codebase flag using the following command:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe C:\Datacap\dcshared\DC_P8_Server.dll /codebase


  • Microsoft Web Services 2 SP3 must be installed on the machine.

  • Only one version of the DLL should be placed into a 'path' directory (e.g. system32, dcshared, etc).

Couldn't locate RRX code with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Couldn't locate RRX code with IBM Datacap

Taskmaster Capture


When running a task, an action aborts with an error indicating that an RRX could not be found.


The RRS log will state:

error: couldn't locate RRX code '[library].rrx'


The logged RRX file could not be located by IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture. This may especially occur when migrating from an earlier version of the product.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the RRX path logged by the action is a valid file path accessible by the account running the task. If the path is invalid, double-check the environment's configuration per the IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture Installation and Configuration Guide Version 8.0.1.

When migrating from an earlier version of Taskmaster, any application specific RRX files will need to be modified to remove the ".rrx" extension from included library references. Edit the custom or application specific RRX file and modify XML tags as needed.

Ex: <i ref="validations.rrx"/> becomes

In the example above, "validations.rrx" causes aborts when invoked because validations.rrx has been replaced with validations.dll in Taskmaster 8.0.1.


Pilot.GetProfileString returns an incomplete value with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Pilot.GetProfileString returns an incomplete

value with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


The Pilot.GetProfileString method is truncating the end of the string, returning an incomplete value.


The Pilot control's GetProfileString method has a limitation of 259 bytes, so anything beyond the first 259 characters will be truncated and ignored.

Resolving the problem

This can be resolved by getting multiple values and concatenating them.

BarCode: Failed to load an image file with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

BarCode: Failed to load an image file with

IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When reading a barcode, the batch aborts and the RRS log contains the error message:

BarCode: Failed to load an image file


A variety of issues can cause barcodes to abort the batch, included unsupported barcode types and corrupt images.

Resolving the problem

To resolve, do the following:

  • Verify the image is a supported format for the Barcode/X engine. This engine accepts black and white images only, and does not support LZW compression.

  • Check the size of the image and try loading it into various image viewers to see if it is corrupt.

  • Check to see if another process or action is running that has the image open / locked.


Object required: FPXML Wrapper error with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Object required: FPXML Wrapper error

with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


When running Taskmaster fpxml for version 8.0 and above, it aborts with the error:

Object required: 'FPXMLWrapper'


The full error message is:

Error (0=hex:0). In CSession::CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY): Action execution failed: OnScriptError called Script Error: Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error Description: Object required: 'FPXMLWrapper' Error code: 0x800a01a8 - (null)Source: (null) Line: 404, Char: 2 [api source:]

EXCEPTION: code="0" msg="Action execution failed: OnScriptError called Script Error: Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Description: Object required: 'FPXMLWrapper' Error code: 0x800a01a8 - (null)Source: (null) Line: 404, Char: 2" loc="CSession::CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY)" API=""


Taskmaster 8.0 fpxml.rrx references \datacap\dstudio\dcctlNET.dll which is only installed with Datacap Studio.

Resolving the problem

Install Datacap Studio on the Rulerunner machine.