Saturday, August 11, 2012

when using RightFax, batches contain images that were imported in previous batches

when using RightFax, batches contain images that were imported in previous batches

This is due  to the cache problem. To overcome this Problem Images must be deleted in RightFax after they are imported to avoid importing them again.

To delete images in RightFax after they are imported, add the action SetFaxRemovalAfterImport(True) prior to the ImportFaxes action.

At Scan or Fixup task, Insert button inserting Images in reverse order

At Scan or Fixup task, Insert button inserting Images in reverse order

The Insert button is designed to only insert single images, and should not be used to scan in multiple images.

If we insert multiple images , the images placed in reverse order in hierarchy.

To insert  multiple images, use the Append button instead.



Using mapped drives in Datacap

Using mapped drives in Datacap

How to use a mapped drive to point workstations to a Datacap Server ?


Using a mapped drive is not recommended, particularly with newer operating systems, as Microsoft is limiting access to mapped drives from a service. Instead, use the UNC path (e.g. \\servername\sharename) to point the workstation to the server.

Take Emails as input with no attachment

Take Emails as input without attachment 

 procedure to import emails if there are no attachments :-

The ewsmail action library states that it is used for importing image attachments from email messages. Although this is its primary use, it does provide a method of importing emails even when there is no attachment.


To import all emails, even if there is no attachment, use the ex_types action leaving the parameter field blank.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Scanning Driver Support in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 and above

Scanning Driver Support in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 and above


What scanner drivers are supported in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.0.1 and above?


IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.x supports scanning directly through both the ISIS and TWAIN APIs. The three types of scanning supported in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.x are thick client scanning ISIS scan, ISIS fixup, and thin client TWAIN scan. In either case IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.x supports scanning "through" Kofax VRS drivers, underneath the ISIS and TWAIN layers. In the case of ISIS the ISIS driver is called "pixkofax"

Please note that in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 8.x, IBM does NOT support the classic thick Kofax scan task (kScan) from IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture 7.x and older, that goes direct to the Kofax ImageControls API.

Setting Up Taskmaster Web Client Service for the Automation of Uploading Batches in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Setting Up Taskmaster Web Client Service for the Automation of Uploading Batches in IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture


How can I setup the Taskmaster Web Client Service to automate the upload of web scan batches?


1. Install the Taskmaster Web Service by running Setup.exe found in the \Datacap\support\WebClientService folder.

2. Double click on \Datacap\tmclient\dc2Run.exe.config. This will allow you to configure the parameters used by this service.

3. The dc2Run.exe.config file has a section for a ShortcutIndex. You can determine what index value corresponds to what shortcut by looking it up in the Buttons Table of the Administrator Database. Update this index to run the upload shortcut..

4. In the dc2Run_localhost_utility section of the dc2Run.exe.config file change the server from “localhost” to your server name or IP address.

5. Update the application name in the Application Settings section of the file to specify your application name.

6. Update the user name in the user section to the user you want to log in and run the upload task.

7. Upload the station name in the station section from “remote” to the station you want the service to log in with.

8. Add the following xml text into the tabs.xml file which is located in the \Datacap\tmclient folder:

<section name="dc2run">
<key.named.list name="Users" kxp="dc2run/?" itemname="User" valuemask="{0}">
<pwd name="password" kxp=":pwd" tip="Set passwords for upload service user"/>

6. Launch DCOrchard.exe whose executable is located in the \Datacap\tmclient folder:
There will be a new tab called dc2run. Under this tab add your user and password which will be used to log into the service with. The user name and password are stored in the applications .app file with the password encrypted.

Note: The user name needs to match the user name that was configured in the dc2Run.exe.config file.

8. To test the uploading of batch first log into Taskmaster Web, scan can at least one batch, and then start the Web Client Service from the Window Services Control Manager. The station that you use to create batches that will be uploaded by the Web Client Service have to be created logged in as the same station that is configured in the dc2Run.exe.config file.

9. After you start the Web Client Service, confirm that the batches have been uploaded.