Saturday, November 17, 2012

Using LDAP or ADSI with RV2 in Datacap

In addition to any configuration within Taskmaster Server Manager, RV2 has its own requirement when using ADSI or LDAP authentication.

Taskmaster Server Manager offers multiple authentication systems for login. When using ADSI or LDAP authentication, password authentication is not performed and login is based on membership within certain AD/LDAP groups and their inclusion within the Taskmaster Administrator's Groups tab.


RV2 has an EnableLDAP setting specific for ADSI and LDAP authentication. If left to the default of false, then login to RV2 will require that the operator enter a non-blank password even though password authentication will not be performed. Any login attempt without a password specific will fail and the user ID will generally include the domain name, e.g. DOMAIN\username.

To set the EnableLDAP option:

  1. Make sure no operators are using RV2 to avoid them having his or her session abruptly terminated during this time. This can be enforced at server side by stopping IIS or the application pool servicing RV2.

  2. Login to the RV2 web server.

  3. Backup \Datacap\RV2\web.config using copy and paste.

  4. Edit web.config using Notepad.

  5. Locate the following line:
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="false"/>

  6. Change "false" to "true":
    <add key="EnableLDAP" value="true"/>Save changes.


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