How to migrate fingerprints with IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
How to migrate fingerprints between applications.
Migrating fingerprints is not as simple as copying the directory and the database. All of the following must be considered:
- Fingerprint database (including Template table)
- Fingerprint directory
- Fingerprint zones
- Fingerprint database connection string
Fingerprint Database and Directory
For Taskmaster versions 7.6 and newer, first use the Fingerprint Maintenance Tool to export from the source application and then import into the destination application. Specific instructions for using this tool are located in the Datacap Taskmaster Application Development Guide.
For Taskmaster versions 7.5 and older, the database and directory will need to be manually copied.
Zone Information
For versions prior to 7.6, or upgraded applications where the zone information was not stored in the FPXML file, the zone information is contained in the setup hierarchy, located in the (application).xml file. Manually edit the file and copy and paste the zone information across to the new setup hierarchy. Zone information will look something like:
- <V n="Pos8">1729,189,1908,236</V>
- <V n="Pos9">1463,291,1647,320</V>
- <V n="Pos11">1994,258,2117,293</V>
- <V n="Pos27">1150,243,1271,273</V>
- <V n="Pos1002">1519,805,1619,838</V>
- <V n="Pos1004">2191,458,2285,487</V>
- <V n="Pos1005">2068,499,2220,535</V>
- <V n="Pos1003">2259,475,2404,509</V>
- <V n="Pos1010">2039,212,2158,249</V>
<V n="Pos1016">2184,453,2339,485</V>
Fingerprint Database Connection String
The database connection string may need to be manually changed after migrating the fingerprint database.
Datacap Taskmaster 8.0 and newer
- Run Taskmaster Application Manager.
- Highlight the application.
- Update the Fingerprint database field located under the workflow.
Datacap Taskmaster 7.6 and earlier
- Run Datacap Studio and login to the application.
- On the Zones tab, click on the gear-shaped icon beneath the Fingerprints subtab.
- Enter the Fingerprint database connection information and click on Connect.
Hi Trinath,
ReplyDeletedoes the FP Maintenance tool work for you? Throws a runtime exception for me. Have you heard about FP xml? Does it work for you? Doesn't work for me at all. Thanks.